Jennifer O
THANK YOU FELICIA SOH for the following commentaries which are written based on her own opinion and the comments made are not in any way judgmental...  ENJOY READING.......!!

General Overview :

It is without doubt that Stairway to Heaven was acclaimed as one of the top hits drama in 2003/2004 (was ranked third after Jewel in the Palace and Lovers in Paris). The release of this drama had attracted many viewers who constantly bogged the on-line link to make endless comments some may seem baseless and some constructive comments which had been taken into consideration, exchanges of views and one can observe a group of viewers pleading the PD/scriptwriter to reconsider the storyline especially on the development of HJS’s role. In K-dramas, the production team takes into consideration the majority opinion and it had an influence of the storyline which may change to suit the viewers taste and liking. I would prefer minor changes to the original plot and a drastic change is not welcomed since it may produce a conflicting character and may not seem realistic and consistent to the original character. I think the scriptwriter had originally wanted to write-off HJS’s character at the end of the episode but due respect is given to many viewers who had desperately requested a happier ending. Perhaps, the PD did allow a room for changes but based on medical facts, HJS won’t live. So be it that she died in the end which made it logical and I respected the PD’s decision. Indeed a realistic ending but much to the disappointment of many viewers, it did not savor their appetite and it kills the joy of watching both the leads to be separated.

A sad ending should not be construed with a rating as a “lousy production or bad drama” since it should be judged purely on the overall performance of the role of the actors/actresses who was given a task to portray the characters as real as possible based on a logical story line. Some critics had labeled the production of STH as somewhat a cross between Winter Sonata (with the amnesia) and Autumn in My Heart (diagnosis of cancer). But nonetheless, which drama had not in some way or another resembled or touched a similar character or storyline. It’s inevitable and the sensational of this drama was attributed to many factors notably the casting and chemistry which is behind the rationale of attracting and achieving a phenomenal success.

I personally felt the main success of this drama was attributed to the casts notably Choi Ji Woo and Kwon Sang Woo who made acting seems REAL. They were so natural that one wonders whether there were any boundaries when the camera started rolling. Their superb performance in terms of acting and chemistry simply stood out and as an audience we were able to grasp, share and feel the various emotions ejected from these two outstanding performers. The emotions projected itself speaks volume…..grievances, loneliness, jealousy, craziness, missing, drowning of sorrow, agony, heart-broken, heat- aching, physically and mentally painful. In my experience of watching varied productions of dramas (not related to Korean), some of these dramas failed to produce this kind of expressions and they complement the emotions through a “voice over” to relate the feelings to the viewers. In STH, I find none of this and I appreciate the actors who professionally ejected emotions so perfectly which draw us so close to them….we FEEL how they felt.

The remaining casts who played Han Tae Hwa, Han Yu Ri, Tae Mira and the younger roles of Cha Song Ju and Han Jeong Suh should share the same limelight as they were in one way or the other contributed to the success of STH.

The production was basically on local sites which had no imported scenes and frankly, there were no breathtaking scenery to complement the story. It’s purely attributed to the selection of castings ie a team of first class casts, chemistry, many refreshing scenes, an outstanding OST and that was all it needed to boast about the success of STH. The most outstanding site is the beach house which had since opened to public for viewing. The Lotte World particularly the carousel, skating rink, monorail train, mural wall painting, Safe Mall, Pascucci Café played an important and significance part of the entire story.


I tried my best to edit my reviews and commentaries as short as possible but due to my recent exposure in writing the summaries, regrettably it may appear lengthy as I endlessly got myself too engrossed in the writing of my commentaries of this drama. My sincere apology to those whom I failed to impress or bored you with my posting and to those whom had taken their precious time to read….I humbly hope you had enjoyed a pleasurable time reading it.

The following commentaries contain SPOILERS…it would be advisable if you refrain from reading should you plan to watch it.

This is a story of…. CHA SONG JU, an only child, brought up in a high profile society and was groomed from young to take over his father’s empire. He wore smart attire, possessed fine manners and led a luxurious life. He grew up and spent most of his teenage years with his best friend, HAN JEONG SUH. Their shared similar values due to their upbringing and had common interest too. When CSJ’s father passed away, HJS consoled him and later when HJS’s mother passed away, it was CSJ’s turn to console HJS. They are very compatible and enjoyed each other’s companion.

In a twist of fate, their dreams and hopes to study abroad together were dashed as HJS’s stepmother used her influences to overturn her father’s decision. HJS had to stay back while CSJ went ahead with his education plans in the States. Before CSJ left for overseas, he had made an impromptu visit to HJS’s house in the hope of meeting her. She had on many occasions failed to meet him due to Tae Mira’s scheming plan to cut all her ties with CSJ and expose HYR to CSJ with chances of him (being the future tycoon he is) to fall in love with her daughter. As HJS did not wish CSJ to see her in an embarrassing situation (her both cheeks were red due to TMR’s slapping), she hid herself in the store room. Unknowingly to HJS, CSJ left a message on her recorder…CSJ in his shyly naïve mannered, innocently confessed his interest in HJS and declared what he felt for her was more than friends. He had hoped to meet HJS at the airport before he leaves for the States. In an attempt to stop HJS from meeting him, TMR locked HJS in the store room. As luck would have it, she accidentally overheard his confession as she played the recorder. Meanwhile, HTH out of curiosity unlocked the door and she managed to rush to the airport just in time to bid farewell to CSJ. CSJ was happy to see her and he presented her a necklace (an interlocking chain with a heart shape). HJS took the recorder out and replayed his messages and she confessed her feelings for him. Both parted ways happily which disgusted HYR as she saw them from afar.

Her manipulative step mother had changed everything there is for her rosy future to a bleak one. She was neglected by her father and heavily abused by her stepmother (Tae Mira) and stepsister (Han Yuri). Her life turned into a nightmare as she had to endure the daily abusive words and occasional slapping from her if she gets into her way. In addition, her school life had not been any better as she was constantly ill-treated by HYR. Her only hopes to maintain her sanity is her relationship with Han Tae Hwa (her step brother). He was absolutely rude to HJS and had no intentions to befriend her when they first met. However, HJS did not give up hope to make him feel at home. She managed to breakthrough the barrier when she presented him his birthday present and served him seaweed soup on his birthday. HJS’s constant encouragement and determination to instill him to indulge his artistic talent boosted his morale and he developed his brotherly relationship into an obsession for her.

He grew up liking her even more and eventually couldn’t stop his bizarre interest in making her his girlfriend which he knew it may be impossible as he had to face an obstacle…CSJ. TMR and HYR were pleased to see their development which they saw it an opportunity for HYR to get closer to CSJ.

In a supposedly happy reunion for HJS and CSJ which was to take place at Lotte World, it turned out to be an ill-fated meeting. On the way to meet each other, HJS was “killed” in a hit-run accident. In her desperation to stop HJS from meeting CSJ, HYR intentionally accelerated the speed and ran over HJS. She concealed all evidence as she begged her father to keep HJS’s in his house as she rushed home to clean herself. Meanwhile HTH was aware of her wrongdoings. Left without any choice, Han Pil Su kept HJS in his house and did not give her any form of treatment for her injuries. When HJS woke up, HPS and HTH realized she had not been able to recall her past. HTH took the opportunity to give her an identity which had allowed her to remain with him. It was a selfish and unforgiving actions but he knew that was the only way for him to keep her away from CSJ. Even the truth was not known to her father. HJS is dead and her memories are definitely not to be remembered in the Han’s household except for one person who had failed and probably refused to erase her memories….the person is none other than CJS.

CSJ had grown into a matured and dashing looking young man. He still possessed the same characteristics of a “rich brat” and arrogant, a description appeared undetached for most guys brought up in a similar environment. Despite his cheekiness and carefree attitude towards people around him, he is actually a loner, faithful lover and had suffered from an unhealed bereavement and he projected another side of him….vulnerability. He tried to conceal his weakness which had been tucked inside his broken heart. Even in his five years absence from Korea, it did not help him to recover from his painful experience of losing his beloved HJS.

Upon his return to Korea, his priority is to visit the beach house which is filled with good and happy memories of HJS. His emotions were further dampened as he recalled all the happy moments that HJS had filled him during their acquaintances. He felt bereaved as he slowly walked into the house. He can feel her presence as he touched everything HJS would have “touched”…he looked at their photograph, pitied the worn out figurines of HJS and himself and hitting the same notes as he tried his hand on the piano. He did not wish to forget her and needed to cherish all her memories and this visit are most timely for him to fill the emptiness he felt. He does not wish HJS’s memories to perish with her….. he needed to feel all these to give him strength to live on..

As his impending engagement date to HYR is drawing closer, he knew it is timely for him to release HJS. In order to commemorate her beloved HJS, he had instructed a mural wall painting drawn in memory of her. Just as when he finally plucked his courage to release her, he saw a glimpse of HJS. He thought God had answered his prayers to let him see her again …just once. Coincidentally, Kim Ji Su (another identity of HJS) was having a date with HTH and she chose to ride on the carousel. Needless to say, CSJ mistook her for HJS.

Without hesitation, he grabbed KJS and hugged her tightly as he claimed KJS as HJS. Another blow hit him, when KJS insisted that she is not HJS. He was certain and begged his assistant, Mr Zhang to give him a chance to sort out the confusion of identities (CSJ was supposed to be on his way to announce his engagement to HYR). Unfortunately, he failed his attempt to persuade KJS to acknowledge that she is HJS. He couldn’t make out of what had happened but was determined to investigate on KJS’s background. He did not give up any chance to find out the truth.

When many attempts were made by CSJ to reveal her identity seem fruitless, he resorted to use HYR to engage her company known as ICARUS to bring HJS to Safe Mall. His plot worked but to HYR’s dismay she was manipulated by CSJ to pave way for HJS to commit and fulfill her contractual obligations as a designer at Safe Mall. To CSJ’s dismay, his plan backfired when HJS back out of the contract deal as she had feared her presence with CSJ may further aggravate the hurt she had caused HTH.

Out of pity, KJS gave CSJ a last opportunity to convince himself that she is HJS. He wanted KJS to return to her house which he had hoped will make her recall her past. His last hope was destroyed when KJS failed to recognize any of her surroundings and photographs which could have brought back memories of HJS. Sadly, she declared that there is nothing familiar in the house and as promised CSJ had to release her back to HTH. CSJ’s last hope had vanished and the pain was unbearable as he gave her a farewell kiss on her forehead with tears dropping on her face.

KJS remained as a designer at Safe Mall. Her resemblance is too strong for CSJ to ignore her and during the process of working together, he grew fond of KJS. As his memories of HJS cannot be erased, he tried to contain his feelings for KJS. He hated himself for being so vulnerable to let go of HJS (he had wished to cling on HJS’s memories) as he felt KJS had slowly moved his hearts. In actual fact, he couldn’t distinguish the differences between both of them. To him KJS possesses everything he can find in HJS….same smile, same feeling, same body odour. They are both identical. He got confused and had tried his utmost best not to acknowledge KJS as HJS. He strongly refused to part his memories of HJS for a new replacement…

A turn of events, brought changes to the lives of HYR, HTH and the biggest of course were affecting HJS. As fate would have it, HYR almost knocked HJS but she had managed to prevent another history to repeat itself but in God’s will, this time HYR’s near- missed accident jolted HJS back her memories. As she recalled her past, she cried in destitute as she went in search for the chain and heart shape pendant where she threw away. She found it and left home fuming mad as she recalled how HTH who had betrayed her.

I think the scene where HJS tried to reveal her true identity was the most exhilarating scene where most of us were anxious to see the reactions from CSJ. The moment when she fell on his arms, I believed it was an indication that she was exhausted with anxieties but CSJ did not find anything amiss. The night before, at the disco, he may have a hard time fighting against his conscience of remaining faithful to HJS. He realized he had fallen in love with KJS and was in a transition period to accept her for who she is…..not a “duplicate” of HJS. To him HJS is irreplaceable in his heart.

Therefore, he mistook her intentions of confusing him when she called out in an audible voice “Song Ju Oppa” during the anniversary ceremony at Lotte World. He did turn back to look at her in exasperation but was not prepared to accept KJS’s to imitate HJS….he was annoyed and disturbed by her presence. He pondered but walked away from her. With his mother’s influence, he felt it was his sole responsibility of making KJS assuming she is HJS. When she finally left the company, he did apologize to KJS for causing the confusion which he admittedly said he had begun to like KJS for being KJS.

Meanwhile, TMR, HYR and HTH were aware of her discovery of her own identity as HJS. TMR and HYR were not going to let HJS to reveal her true identity. Both of them successfully convinced CSJ’s mother of KJS’s bad intentions. They had made HJS a villain instead. HTH knew it was time for him to release HJS back to CSJ. He fixed up an appointment for both of them to meet at the carousel at midnight. CSJ had felt guilty as a third party who stood between KJS and HTH’s relationship and he apologized to HTH. HTH’s intention was to present CSJ a most treasured gift….HJS (someone he dearly loves but no longer can sustain a love which does not belongs to him).

However, there were so many obstacles in their relationship which had prevented them to rekindle their love. In addition, CSJ’s mother did not give them the blessings and in fact did caution HJS on the changes that had occurred during her absence. Despite many convincing words from CSJ to HJS to be present at the engagement ceremony, they failed to get engaged with each other and ended up as friends. Even as friends, CSJ couldn’t bring himself to maintain their friendship. Due to his unfailing love, he felt tortured and frustrated at the sight of her which is inevitable in the office. He thought the best is to release HJS and her absence in the company would have been easier for both of them. He planned his moves and sent her back to HTH. HJS was willing to be sent away from CSJ since she felt the same way. She knew it was hard on both of them and the best solution is to be separated. She happily started her new life with HTH. However, it was CSJ who actually misses her and ended up traveling to the directions of her destination. He can no longer bear to leave her again and wanted to marry her instead of HYR. He announced his decisions to her father. In order to spite at HJS, TMR and HYR took the opportunity to bad-mouth and tarnish HJS’s reputation by revealing the real identity of HTH. Unfortunately, their plan back backfired. In CSJ’s mind, HJS’s past does not bother him and he is only keen to marry HJS. To his dismay, his mother forbade him to marry HJS. She was “brainwashed” my TMR who skillfully convinced her to bring forward the wedding date. Eventually, he was forced into relinquishing his position in the company and the only chance of him to return to Safe Mall is when he has changed his mind to marry HYR.

During the period when CSJ is no longer under employment, CSJ and HJS finally get to meet each other freely and enjoyed themselves as a lovey-dovey couple, leading a hard life as money seems to dwindle as days go by. I wondered why the scriptwriter made him in a such a dire- straits kind of position when he no longer holds the key to the empire. His financial status was questionable and even though he had lost all his major luxurious items like car, credit cards and apartment it wouldn’t seem realistic for him not to have his own personal savings or some form of assets which belongs to him and not the company. It seems odd to put him in a quandary as he hardly had much cash available to spend. The only logical explanation I possibly could think of is that his mother is empowered to control his financial standing and obviously his personal state of affairs also belongs to her and the company. He is totally out of control and his moves were solely maneuvered by his mother.

CJS gave three important gifts to HJS which is priceless. He presented HJS his first gift to her….”beedur” TRUST….and trust is therefore entrusted into the box….. trusting one another and be binded with true love.

During their dinner at the motel, CSJ presented HJS his second gift to her…..”shormah” DREAMS….and indeed “dreams” were what they were both hoping to materialize … turn their dreams into reality …. a marriage….is CSJ’s most important DREAMS…

In CSJ’s mind, he has many plans for them and his third wish and last gift to HJS says it….all these gifts to be stored permanently in the box …..”sarang” the biggest gift of all …to love her forever….unconditionally….and finally “a box sealed with LOVE” a commitment to love and cherish each other till death….

When HJS dutifully served dinner to CSJ, she told SJ that she did not wish to return all three gifts presented to her. She wanted to bring with her when she died but she returned the box which contain full of gratitude. Oppa, I want to thank you for everything, she said.. You had given me full of happiness and in here (referring to the box) please accept my appreciation.

This is one the most heart-breaking and heart-wrenching drama which had countless heart-broken scenes and endlessly teary scenes. I find the scriptwriter apparently loves to torture us and enjoyed writing all the teary and sad events which had been created in mind that all bad things do come concurrently….like the proverb “when it rains, it pours”. Other than STH, there’s another drama (Perfect Love) which is similar in format i.e there’s hardly any happy scenes and the scriptwriter simply loves heart-wrenching scenes. It was reported that the scriptwriter cried as she wrote the story and both of these dramas did make me cry. Strangely, I hardly cried while watching dramas even though it contained sad moments. Perhaps, both of these dramas really touched my heart.

On a happier note, STH did inject some happy scenes and it was the time when HJS and CSJ got the opportunity to date each other. It was a freedom to “date” and no boundaries for them despite being not able to taste the luxurious lifestyle. Unfortunately, all good things had to end when HJS discovered she had failing eye sight. She wore glasses but her problems did not end there as she soon found out her eyes condition is deteriorating and frequently ended up in the hospital. She was so heart-broken with the news that she needed to remove her eyes in order to save her life. She could not bring herself to face CSJ with the bad news. She decided to leave him. The day before she left him, she made an effort to dress up from head to toe and it surprises CSJ. She intended to give him her best appearance before they parted. She tried to remain calm and promised not to throw tantrums as she wanted to be happy during the entire outing. They spent the night at the beach house and when CSJ woke up, HJS left him a note and returned the ring to him.

As HJS’s eye sight is slowly deteriorating, it was HTH who kept a close vigilant on her. He was so heart-broken when he discovered HJS’s illness. He can only afford to accompany her but was frustrated with the financial aspect since he is not capable to foot the medical bills. He tried to convince HJS to reveal the truth to CSJ but she stopped him from doing so. She is not prepared to let him suffered the agony of seeing her slowly losing her eye sight. She did it because she knew it would be best for him to forget her. As realistic as the facts be known to her, she had expected the worst to befall her. As days go by, she manages to adapt to her new environment as her vision deteriorates.

At the beach when she discovered she had gone blind, she cried and screamed so desperately calling out the names of the two persons who loved her the most….Tae Hwa Oppa and Song Ju Oppa. SJ finally came to rescue her but dared not claim himself as SJ as he knew she would be feeling more depressed if it was SJ who discovered her and not TH. SJ pretended himself as TH as she poured out her feelings and desires to see CSJ. She begged TH (SJ) to bring her to meet SJ. SJ had to play along in pretense of TH and when he can no longer contain his sadness, he went out of the café and burst out crying. That scene of him crying uncontrollably was my first witness of a K-drama or perhaps none other dramas that I’ve watched before had any actor portraying such a heart-wrenching crying scene. He cried his eyes out… .(the way he executed the scene was so contagious that he made everyone cried with him). I lost words to describe how emotional he had cried and I kept wondering what could have stirred him to execute the crying scene so realistically real. No matter what excuses that brought him the emotions, he did it superbly.

CSJ and HTH managed to convince HJS to go to the hospital for further observation and to accept treatment. With the help of TH, he planned out a surprise wedding and invited all distinguished guests to attend a function without revealing the event. When he announced that he is about to marry HJS and explained the agony and pain on how he and his future bride had gone through, everyone was shocked as all of them was thinking that CSJ is going to marry HYR. TMR went berserk and revealed the ugly side of her as she turned over the table and swore in front of all the guests. It was very embarrassing but CSJ was not disturbed with all the commotion caused by her. Her disruption had attracted HPS to reveal the truth of the accident which had robbed HJS her eye sight. After all matters were settled down, CSJ proceed with the wedding ceremony and asked his mother for her consent to take HJS as his wife. The wedding ceremony of CSJ and HJS ended in a happy atmosphere.

The newly wed enjoyed a blissful marriage. What marred a happy couple is when HJS’s suffered a relapse which had caused concern for CSJ who later revealed it to HTH. CSJ failed to get the doctor’s permission for a transplant to remove one of his eyes for his wife and when HTH found out that only a dead person is eligible to donate his eyes, he willingly submitted a form of consent to donate his eyes to HJS. He did not hesitate as it spurs him to do so since he found out that her aggravated condition was made worst due to an accident 5 years ago. He was guilt-stricken.

HTH later committed suicide in an attempt to save JS who had wished to be able to see SJ again. He left a note to TH and SJ wept when he knew the reasons of his death. Why must it happen this way? He was thankful and indebted to TH who had the courage to die for the love of HJS. SJ may not understand the rationale behind TH’s decision to die since he never knew how both TH & JS spent during the teenage years. TH’s happiness is JS’s happiness. Without JS he would not have experienced happiness, caring and love and through all these years of “keeping” JS for himself he had earned and enjoyed the time spent together and to him death is his way of repaying her kindness. He felt spiritual enlightenment and contentment when he took his own life for a person he so dearly loves. To him he deserves to be in heaven ….a place he knew HJS will meet him.

Again, the scriptwriter and the PD had a tough time making decisions whether to give JS a permanent happiness or a short lived happiness. Many viewers flooded the net to persuade the scriptwriter to give HJS a new lease of life and make it a happy ending. As much as all these people who were involved wanted to give HJS a chance to live but the reality side of the story prevents HJS to live happily with CSJ. In the end, the PD made a decision to adopt a more realistic ending which coincides with the diagnosis of her illness. Of course, it broke many of the viewers’ heart to watch the last episode which eventually saw the death scene of HJS. In my opinion, what matters most is not whether the hero or heroine lives happily ever after like a fairy tale story but how the storyline blends and flows in and I agreed with the decision of the PD to end HJS’s life to make it a realistic story. I personally felt the atmosphere of the beach scene were very conducive to film the dying scene. The extreme sad music, weather condition and HJS’s pale face were very well shot and it moves our hearts as CSJ bid farewell to HJS. The dialogue and the entire storyline were of relevance…”I am letting you go first and now it’s your turn to wait for me as I had once waited for you” the scene where SJ & JS were walking towards the beach where they were heading towards a place of nowhere were a reflection of the prize wining painting titled “Stairway to Heaven” as drawn by HTH.

..... cont'd Part 2.

댓글 '2'


2006.06.02 17:39:46

Jennifer....thanks for posting Felicia's STH review here ..

Jennifer O

2006.06.03 01:17:32

Hello Mindy.
No mention at all! My pleasure!
Cheers & bon weekend!
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