Jennifer O
Conclusive summaries on (Casting, Ending & Credits) :

On Kwon Sang Woos’s Role as Cha Song Ju :

I’ve never watched Kwon Sang Woo in any of his performances prior to STH and he made me so immersed in his character and addicted to his acting as he revealed many sides of his characters in this drama. He projected all sorts of facial expressions that made us go crazy over him and he controlled our feelings as he manipulates us like a yo-yo…one moment we share his happiness and in less than few minutes we were sharing his pain. He moved our hearts and sometimes we loved him and sometimes we hated him….despise him for stirring us into conflicting emotions. But we love him when he turned into a lovey-dovey character…

Kwon Sang Woo brings the character of CSJ to life ~~ he dived into it and became that person. Most of the emotional twists and turns in the drama were all perfectly expressed. He surprised me with his multi talents and he delivered some of the best scenes I’ve ever seen. His capability to cry, sob, weep ….were so awesomely executed that even the production crew team shared his pain and silently cried with him behind the scene. He perfected all his facial expression and emotions gestures from the beginning of the drama till the end and his ability to exude chemistry, project and profess LOVE so real that we mistook him for developing an off –screen love to a real love … a chemistry so devilishly real we can feel and share their love for each other. In some of the scenes we question ourselves whether some of his gestures was included in the script or he played out in a spur of the moment ie. spontaneity. Nobody knew CSJ as well as KSW and perhaps he understood CSJ more than the Director himself. Till today many are still complimenting his acting skill and remain speechless when commenting on his performances as CSJ. There’s only this word that summarized his performance… SUPERB ACTING, AWESOME, SIMPLY AWESOME…no other actor other than Kwon Sang Woo can portray Cha Song Ju so perfectly… a role tailored made for KSW. At the end of the drama, he was so attached to the character of CSJ that it took KSW weeks to regain and rediscover himself. He suffered the same symptoms like many us…”withdrawal syndrome”. He deserved the recognition and it did make him a household name and paved way for him to develop his career and made him a STAR that until today he can only thanked STH for what he is today.

On Choi Ji Woo’s role as Han Jeong Suh :

With Choi Ji Woo’s outstanding resume and one of the most sought-after actress, expectations were high on her to perform outstandingly in her role as Han Jeong Suh. As an experienced actress, she developed her character with ease …from Han Jeong Suh…to Kim Ji Su and back to Han Jeong Suh…a girl who had lived as a simple, kind hearted, soft spoken who later suffered more mishaps and pain than any one else in the drama. Her weakness is to trust people….she trusted her father’s decision to marry TMR which turned into a nightmare. She no longer sustain the agony of being tortured, abused let alone be ignored by her father who had been “blinded” with his obsession with his new wife. HJS trusted HTH, the person who is responsible to give her a false identity and kept her at his side for 5 years. CJW had to assume two characters i.e HJS who is a demure looking girl who is loved by everyone and who was brought up in an upper class family whereas as KJS she is tough and a fighter for survival a contrast to HJS. When the truth of her identity was revealed, Han Jeong Suh had already been mould into someone who is strong but had less education which was deprived by HTH and was never the same person as how HJS would have been brought up in the home of his father. However, nothing had changed where her love for CSJ is concerned.

CJW did her emotions as when and how it should have been projected as HJS. As an experienced actress, she had already earned herself a nickname …queen of tears. She lifted up to her name….often than not we see her with dewy-eyed, tears welled up and all her crying, sobbing, wailing and weeping scenes were all timely and accurately executed. With a demanding role which claimed to possess so much sufferings and unhappiness, it was compulsory for her character to cry. She was wailing at times and some viewers were irritated by her crying scenes. But one cannot deny how good she cried….some commented she cried too much, too often that she sounded so pathetic. I begged to differ, her character calls for it (as described above) and to discredit her for a melodramatic role is somehow unjustifiable. Similarly, KSW did cry a lot too and he cried his eyes out which seem acceptable by viewers and many complimented on his crying scenes. To some maybe it’s refreshing and he touches the hearts of the female gender. CJW did the same and she should be applauded for her crying scenes too.

CJW was a well-known actress after earning herself a name for her role in Winter Sonata and she indeed was a POWER of ATTRACTION when the drama was aired. Undeniably, she had attracted many viewers with her SUPERB ACTING SKILL despite the fact that she was not groomed to wear all the expensive outfits and noticeably she was not so gorgeously or stunningly pretty while portraying her role as KJS/HJS. Admirably, she had ejected different facets of her beauty as the story unfold….she had a few transformations in the entire story.

CJW’s professionalism as an actress went beyond the norm…she was known to be someone who took to task her role so seriously that she would not hesitate to remain in the set even though her role is not required in a specific scene…she would be around to help her partner to develop their feelings. Her consideration for others is highly respectable.

My views on both actors :

CJW deserved the recognition for being a great actress who superbly displayed different emotions and dual characters as she played the role of Kim Ji Su and Han Jeong Suh respectively. I felt too much publicity was given to Kwon Sang Woo for the success of STH which had somehow overlooked Choi Ji Woo’s contribution. I guessed KSW is new to everyone and the attention he attracted was so manifying….probably more viewers are of female gender whom are so deliriously attracted by his display of emotions…he cleverly projected each facial expressions so convincingly….sadness, frustration, sorrow, longing for someone, surprised, jealousy, broken-hearted, happy, funny, cheeky .

STH produces one of the most outstanding on-screen chemistry and a kiss so passionately executed at the skating rink, which we had voted as one of the most unforgettable kissing scenes. Not many K-dramas can boast so many scenes of the leads hugging, cuddling, snuggling, countless “stealing” and “planting” of kisses which sent many viewers drooling as he proclaimed his undying, unwavering love for his one and only LOVE…Han Jeong Suh. If given a wish in reality many women would want to marry a character portrayed as CSJ…so fabulously rich, handsome and most importantly a dedicated and faithful lover who proclaims love endlessly….if only CSJ existed in REALITY…but for me FICTIONAL it is ….only well scripted …the one and only Cha Song Ju!!

Conclusively, it would be fair to say that without CJW, KSW won’t shine in his role as Cha Song Ju and likewise without KSW, CJW won’t shine in her role as Han Jeong Suh. Both deserved equal praises for being part of a team which produced an outstanding drama. CJW bagged an award for Best Actress for her role in STH whereas CSJ earned himself the most Popular Actor.

At the end of the drama, both of them left a great impact on us, an astonishing power of love so strongly as they progressed and developed their characters that it sends us reeling and clinging on hopes the chemistry will linger off the camera ….was KSW playing himself …loving and displaying his cupid love to CJW…or did CJW reciprocate his love…....nothing is impossible….dreams do materialize…is a matter of time…like how Cha Song Ju had waited 5 years for Han Jeong Suh to return…..

Credits should also goes to the remaining casts :

Shin Hyun Joon as Han Tae Hwa :- His role is one of the most “pitied” character. He grew up in a broken family and suffered from poverty. He had never experienced love from his parents and felt like an abandoned child. The only person who is capable to spread tender loving care to him is Han Jeong Suh. She welcomed him to her new home with open arms but he retaliate her motives. Eventually, he slowly grew fond of her as she is the only person who took interest in him. She was the reasons he excelled in his artistic talent and her encouragement had instilled him to turn into a person with confidence.

SHJ’s portrayal of HTH was somehow ignored by many who had not given him due credit for his performances. From the beginning he had to portray a sad character and his only happiness was a short period of 5 years when he “kept” HJS to himself. Their relationship did not advance any further and it went as far as a platonic. SHJ’s overall outlook was a bit let down in comparison with KSW. Probably, his character as HTH was meant to look like someone who is less educated, less earning power and as an artist, it does justify his overall outlook. I would say that because he is less attractive and slightly matured, he brings out the best of KSW whom he had unanimously captured all the attentions. SHJ’s was overshadowed by the character played by KSW, a fabulously rich guy. If you imagine SHJ’s look (in a white suit as he ushered HJS to the wedding ceremony), I’m sure we will view him differently from his ruffled and casual outfit. He often looked unkempt. Ironically, if we swap both their roles, what would be the consequences….??? To be honest, I stood firm with my earlier comments that Kwon Sang Woo is still the best candidate to portray Cha Song Ju. Perhaps, SHJ is more suitable to play Han Tae Hwa and I respected his capabilities as an experienced and a versatile actor.

Kim Tae Hee as Han Yu Ri – She did a great job in portraying a pretty looking girl with an evil character. Her upbringing was the cause of her developing into an evil character. She grew up being ignored and rejected since young. Her mother’s encouragement boosted her ego and she turn from bad to a villain. She was her mother’s creation …to create her to someone she had yearn to become. Every plot she made was cunningly and deceitfully executed and every move HYR made was dictated by TMR. HYR was like a “puppet in the string” and she would be most joyful when she made her mother proud of her. Every successful move by her was rewarded by her mother and every wrong move by HYR would be heavily punished by her mother. TMR single-handedly manipulated her daughter’s life. HYR had not been able to make her own decisions and she relied solely to her mother. She was hopelessly devoted to her mother. Despite all odds, she did love CSJ but her unrequited love had made her to become more villain that she already is.

In my opinion, KTH’s facial expression when she did her “trade mark stony-faced glare” was a bit of boredom to watch as I think she should have projected different expression …similar but not repetitive. Moreover, the hairstylist should be more creative in styling her hair. She sported the same pony tail look whenever she appeared on screen. Generally, she did portray a villain role convincingly since she did infuriate us. Her character is intolerable and we despise her for all the evil actions she did to harm HJS.

HYR did repent and she apologized to HJS when she visited her in prison. At the end of the drama, KTH did not regret taking up an evil role as she had portrayed a role which everyone love to hate. It’s not easy task to develop a character where every one despises. It exposes her talent and STH did open doors for her to venture into other drama with a leading role. Her popularity rises with many opportunities for CF deals and her current success made waves in Japan too.

Lee Hui Hyang as Tae Mira – I simply adore her acting as she made me hate her from the beginning to the end of the drama before she suffered from a psychotic disorder. LHH performed to expectations and she manages to create her hateful character from the very beginning of the story….it started with being an arrogance and snobbish actress and later developed from a sweet tender loving lover and successful seduced HJS’s father. She turned to an evil and cunning step-mother and simultaneously manipulates her daughter to lift up to her own dreams. She paved ways for HYR to achieve her own goals. She was a greedy and despicable woman who can never be satisfied with what she already had. To achieve her motives, she went to an extent of plotting and framing her own son who had been an obstacle to realizing her dreams. She had to defeat all obstacles even her own son is not spared. I find it weird to accept the fact that a biological mother would be so inhumane to treat her own son with no feelings of remorse. She was cold-blooded.

As an experienced actress, she executed all her “cunning” expressions skillfully and she manages to swap an innocent expression to an evil look as quickly as a chameleon. In the end, we pitied her when she was confined to a psychiatric hospital. My heart goes out to her when she begged HTH to let her out of the room and I sensed she understood what HJS had said to her while at the hospital as I felt her emotions were written on her face. As expected, all evil characters will end up being punished and TMR’s character suffered the same fate.

Ending and Credits to those talented people who produced STH

Contrary to many who had wanted a happy ending, I accepted the sad but realistic ending. I’m sure I form one of the minority group of viewers who wouldn’t mind to witness HJS’s death. To me a happy ending is just a matter of satisfaction to compensate the pain and agony of crying together with the main leads. It’s soothing to the heart and is a pain reliever. Somehow a sad ending is often viewed as a threat ~~ the first threat is one which many disliked is to watch their hero or heroine’s character perished and the second threat is one which relates to a certain group of viewers who forego a chance to watch because of its ending. . We have mixed feelings, as we watched and cried with them, we sympathized the vulnerable characters, we loathe the manipulative and evil character of HYR and TMR, we cherished all the happy moments of CSJ & HJS and shared the pain as we bid farewell to HJS. CSJ & HJS is a match made in heaven and it is only appropriate that …. in heaven they’ll meet again.

I am often puzzled and wish to discover what sort of character a scriptwriter possessed to instill him or her to write such pathetic storyline, scripted touching dialogues and created all characters so perfectly that made us so intensely mesmerized by the entire production. Strangely, I had this conflicting feeling as I enjoyed being stirred into developing sad emotions as I watched the heart-wrenching scenes but I hated the aching feeling which lingers not on the heart but on my mind too. The aching feeling nevertheless will be vanished as time passes but the memory of the emotions, the unforgettable lovey-dovey scenes, the beautiful songs especially the lyrics of song “Bogoshipda” aka Missing You and the main theme music will be forever tucked inside my heart.

Many thanks to the scriptwriter, Producer, Directors who diligently directed all the scenes, Music Producer for a great OST and the entire production crew/team for everything….indeed there were flaws but minor and we understand nothing is perfect as this is a BIG production. Bravo to all the casts and members of the entire crew ….without them we wouldn’t be enjoying such a great drama and wouldn’t be at this thread sharing our views. I truly enjoyed my invaluable time at this thread and am glad to meet all who shared the same passion for this drama STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN.


“JS, I had loved you with all my heart …even now, I still truly love you. Even in future, my love for you will not change. Now, it’s only the beginning. JS, we will wait till the day we meet again. An Nyong!”

As CJS played the piano…..he said “Maybe the other guy (referring to TH) loves her more than me but then that does not mean my love for her is anything less than him.…JS, Can you hear me…

…….A phrase I’ve particularly extracted from the scene ….a dedication to all the members who had voted this phrase as the most touching lines……

~~~~There’s a place in HEAVEN where there’s no pain and sufferings and I’m letting you go first but you must promise to wait for me…I had waited for you in the past but this time is your turn to wait for me~~~~yaksookeh…gitarioseyo, Jeong Suh aah…..~~~

댓글 '3'


2006.06.02 12:04:05

Hi, Jennifer
How are you?
I appreciate introduction of this article.
STH is the drama which remains in our heart forever. Our beautiful Heaven Couple too.

Jennifer O

2006.06.03 01:16:02

Hello to you, chizu.
I am glad to see you here again :):):)
My pleasure indeed.... Great fans of the heavenly couple at Soompi have requested me to share it together with Rondo's.... and of course must thank Felicia for these 2 creditable reviews! Have a good weekend~~~

Kristin Loong

2006.07.26 14:00:56

STH is really a great drama and it touch the heart of the viewer.
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