KK likes to share again- CJW Interview

조회 수 3204 2004.08.26 03:27:33
Source: Korean magazine- Seven Days (Date of issue: 4-17/8)

KK had the article translated into Chinese. As she has been busy with posting beautiful pictures and VODs of CJW, she has forwarded the article to Tan Li Li and I for translation.
There were 4 parts in the article; here뭩 the brief.

The reporter likes CJW since the time when she was just a new actress. In the article, she begins with a general view of what most fans look for in an actress.젨 Generally, fans like beautiful actress, however there were times when fans looked for an intelligent beautiful actress, while other times, they like sexy actress with good figure. Nevertheless, an actress with innocent pure beauty is still the favourite.

CJW (lead actress of WLS), popular actress in Asia is one actress with natural innocent pure beauty. However, CJW has changed her image to a sexy one in the movie EHAS that was launched on 30 July.

The reporter met CJW for the first time in 1996 (8 years ago) when she was a new comer in the entertainment world. CJW was surprised and happy when he/she requested for her autograph. CJW did not expect a reporter would know a newbie like her. Like a lovable young lady, she happily signed the autograph for the reporter with thanks.
Now, CJW is no longer a newbie but a very popular actress both in Korea and Asia; even the Japanese Prime Minister is her fan.
When the reporter met her recently, there was concern whether he/she would met a proud CJW. However, CJW has not changed, she is still an innocent, gracious and beautiful person.젨Nonetheless, she is no longer a cute and shy newbie but a more mature actress.젨And in light violet color spaghetti 뻮trapped dress, her beautiful and mysterious image had charmed the reporter and cameraman!

CJW is afraid of doing a movie as compared to a drama. This was because her movies, the TRAP, A President Who Plays the Piano and First Kiss were not popular and thus she had rejected many movie offers.
She has initially rejected EHAS as the story ?3 sisters falling in love with a man- is not acceptable to the Koreans. Besides, there will be scenes in the movie, which require exposure of the body.

However, the Movie Company persistently persuaded her to take up the role. She finally relented as she was interested in the character that she would play and the leading actor was LBH whom she had worked with in the drama, Beautiful Days. Also, the role she took does not totally erase her innocent pure image. In this romantic, sexy, comedy movie, CJW was able to display her comical and cute image especially in the bed scene. Indeed, JW and LBH were so hilarious in the bed scene.

During the filming of the movie, CJW was most relax and had good time. Her relationships with the two other actresses were good. They encouraged and ?challenged?each other to do well in the bed scene.젨
CJW also challenged LBH as he received more praises for his acting capability after the completion of the drama, Beautiful Days.

Though CJW may be putting much effort at work, she would choose to be a good wife once married.젨젨

According to CJW, there are 2 types of actress; one with natural talent and the other who have to work hard and she is the latter.젨Despite being a very popular actress, CJW was never commended for her good acting ability except for praises she received for her excellent crying capability. CWJ revealed that she is still very anxious in front of the camera. She is aware of her needs to put in much effort in order to act well. She is grateful for the support from people around her and fans. She understands that good work does not come overnight and assures her fans that she would continue to work hard to be a good actress.젨

CJW has learnt many lessons while working in the 3 dramas:
Beautiful Days has made her understood what acting is like;
Winter Sonata gave her the interest in acting;
Stairway To Heaven has enable her to be more confident in acting.  

Here is the Chinese version :

大众喜欢漂亮的女演员,随着群众追求美女的趋势的变化,一时流行智慧型美(intelligent beauty),丰满性感的演员风靡一时, 但是天真纯洁的美女超越时代,受影迷的欢迎。
情节剧《冬季恋歌》的女主角 choijiwoo 就是纯洁自然美女而亚洲驰名,她不像把丰满性感摆在首位的一般女演员,一直保持着古典女人美?  但这次改装自己的style令人瞩目。我们在7月30日放映的《谁都珍藏着秘密》看到 choijiwoo的大改变-露出女人性方面本能。


本记者是从jiwoo刚当演员的时候就喜欢她。第一次跟她见面的是1996年jiwoo在电影界初次登场的时候。我请求签名的时候,Jiwoo瞪着眼睛说 ;她是谁,然后她发现记者知道这位新人,像可爱的少女一样很高兴,很开心地签名,又说‘‘谢谢’’。
这次去访问她之前,我有点担心choijiwoo会不会变成很骄傲的人,结果她跟以前一样天真既善良又漂亮,跟上次不同之处是她更成熟了。当天她穿了淡紫色无袖裙子,当场的记者和拍摄员们都赞叹说! ;‘‘好漂亮,有神秘的个人魔力,好像一位女神出现在我们面前。’’没错,jiwoo不再是可爱害羞的新人。


对jiwoo来说 ‘拍电影’是一种可怕的工作,是因为不像连续剧《冬季恋歌,美丽的日子,天国的阶梯》,她演的电影《trap,弹钢琴的总统,要不要亲吻 等》都不那么声誉卓著。
结果,jiwoo跟李炳憲的床戏使得观众捧腹大笑,她不自然运用从弟弟的A片录像带学到性爱体位,她在这场面完全发散了喜劇感 和可爱的魅力。
choijiwoo说《谁都。。》是一种浪漫性感的电影喜劇 (romantic sexy comedy movie.)

坚韧不拨,女强人 choijiwoo



《美丽的日子》给她了解演技大概是什么,《冬季恋歌》给她对演戏的兴趣,《天国的阶梯》给她得到对演技的自信。 她是个承认自己演技不够,一直努力奋斗往前进发展的演员,即使她得不到演技出色的名声,? 謙虚,善良的心底,她是个在影迷心中永远的偶像。

댓글 '11'


2004.08.26 09:20:31

Thank you arielle and lili for the translations. I like to see the interview of jiwoo which enables us to understand more about our princess.

This is the wallpaper i made for jiwoo in "seven days". What a charming lady.


2004.08.26 10:05:34

Thanks, Li Li, Arielle and kk. This is a very enlightening article. We know more about our princess from here. Jiwoo's diligence has not changed from the past till now, and I'm also happy to see the ever-improving and growing maturity in her acting skills.


2004.08.26 15:20:50

thanks for the great translation~!! ^^


2004.08.26 16:52:34

To all of you, thank you for sharing.


2004.08.26 23:30:25

Thanks very much, Li Li, Arielle and kk for sharing Jiwoo news. Such article indeed helps us fans to understand more of Jiwoo's character. We are delighted the reporter has good impression of her from 8 years ago and now, having seen her growth and development from a newcomer to a mature, elegant and confident star. Her humility and concientious effort to improve her acting skills no doubt have won her many ardent fans at home and in Asia. As she gain more confidence, may she challenge herself to do more movies (if any good script comes along) besides taking other different roles in dramas.

Look forward to her new projects when she return from her English language study.

Cheers, folks ~~~~~~~~


2004.08.27 00:50:01

Thanks Li Li, Arielle and kk for all your efforts in posting these translation of Jiwoo news. Really appreciate all your efforts....


2004.08.27 01:28:03

Many thanks to all for your comments . Iwas just doing a small part.
All thanks go to KK for her relentless effort in wanting to share with us on JW


2004.08.27 01:49:01

Dear arielle,

I just do my part of editing the translations from my korean teacher and my HK friend who understand Korean and Japanese. Our princess is always humourous, humble and cheerful during her interview, which, i think it is our pleasure to share with all jiwoo fans. Thank you for your translations which are professional indeed. I am having more Japanese translations about jiwoo and your kind assistance will be appreciated.

I just do the wallpaper for fun and i do not think i am good at this kind of creative work.

Jennifer O

2004.08.28 04:15:29

Thanks to kk, Arielle, PK and Li Li for imparting this article to us! I am always proud of our princess Jiwoo! She is as adorable, elegant, lovely, beautiful, cute, humble and cheerful as ever! Cheers to all~~~

Tan Li Li

2004.08.29 06:12:30

Dear KK,
Really like this wallpaper of JW very much! It's very well done! As for the translation, I only managed to help Arielle Onni on getting better understanding on some of the chinese phrasing and I really don't do much because recently I'm quite busy with my work too. I really hope that I can do more for our beloved princess! Cheers!:):):)


2004.08.29 18:07:34

Dear Lili,

Thank you so much for your assistance. I think there will be more translations from Japanese magazines coming up and your contributions will be appreciated.
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