My thoughts about STH

조회 수 3190 2004.05.20 14:13:40
Ladies, may I express some thoughts. OK, I am bored so I re-look selected STH's discs. I refer to the engagement scene, I could not understand why would KSW gave the ring to the other lady after CJW refused his proposal; and why at the first place giving the other lady's "hope" and misleading signs that he is interested in her. I think KSW is such a whimppy guy. A jelly fish if you like!

Worst stilll, subsequently CJW told the older guy that if it is not because of him, she would have accepted KSW's proposal. What a joke and what kind of craps are these people talking about! These are the basis that I dislike STH, it is so unreal supported by poor script with careless planned scenes. So much discrepancies all over the entire series.

Compounded with the above "whippy scenes" and those silly tears, shouting and running, I think we are just watching a whole bunch of idiots acting (excluding CJW: Yes I am bias ^____^ or rather scared of being scolded), albeit you all claimed how real their tears and acting skills are, I still felt like a fool after carefully watch the series.

I seriously think the current Korean Waves are not sustainable if the Korean's TV drama industry did not beef up its skill and thought process to introduce greater breath and depth in its future productions. Based on my observations, the waves will subside sooner than the market expected (possibly by the end of this year around Asia-China, HK, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam). Banging on the Japanese for now is purely to sustain the momentum in this wave. What's next? Then what will happen to CJW and this site?

댓글 '4'


2004.05.20 16:15:21

Hi, Casper. I'm new, happened to come in & read yr msg. Ya, who's the writer to this script? It seemed they are seldom being made known unlike in other Asia countries where for eg. in Taiwan "Cheong Yao" (sorry, can't translate her name into English) was well known for writing romance stories and many of it were made into movies with Chin Han & Lin Qing Xia as male & female leads.

Both the scenes of rejecting the ring, misleading the other lady - maybe all boil down to their deep rooted confucius thoughts where obligation & responsibility are key values in their culture, I maybe wrong. Someone analysed that SW in wanting JW to be able to live peaceably w/her family (stepmom & stepsis) thus agreed to get engaged to Tae Hee. And JW felt responsible & guilty if she took SW from her stepsis. It just makes you wonder - in the 1st place, when from young, TH already knew both SW & JW love each other, yet she still goes all out to pursue SW not really b'cos of love (perhaps a fraction of love) but out of envy & jealousy of what JW has (she told SW that he could like any other girl but she just couldn't tolerate him loving JW) --- just sharing some comments which I've read.

Understand that most korean romance dramas always have deaths in either the male or female lead. Yet still many viewers like to watch them despite some conflicting & ridiculous plot in the show. BD and WLS storeis are also along the similar vein as StH, yet this latter show still cause a stir in Taiwan now & even in some other Asia countries which aired the show. We can criticise the story plot (we have the right to) but this is a very subjective matter and in anything, there will always be subjective views and thoughts. Let the korean drama industry worry about the sustainability of its dramas & movies. We have enough worries for the day (Pls don't get me wrong, I'm not getting at you but just sharing my thoughts).

Whatever it is, both SW and JW are talented artistes. Of course there is no denying there are others who are good as well. It's the fans subjective views to choose their favourite stars --- as the saying goes "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", right???

:-) :-)


2004.05.20 22:13:55


Personally, I think the engagement scene should be viewed in conjunction with a scene prior to KSW dragging and pulling CJW to a jewelry shop to choose a ring. In my view, this is the most ridiculous scene which is redundant.

The above has to be seen in the light that STH was a rush job in terms of shooting and I guess the same applied for its script writing. It was a low budget drama completed in a tight schedule, nevertheless, a highly profitable one.

You may recall 101 Proposal, it was filmed prior to STH, but it is still yet to be shown. Further, if I recall correctly, STH has begun screening in Korea when it was yet finishing shooting. Wonder under those circumstance, how would one expect quality from a producer who at one hand was so busy filming and on the other hand has to view the the earlier shots.

My view remains unchanged that STH is a lousy drama, despite high viewership. Despite many of you proclaimed there are ample chemistry between KSW and CJW, somehow, I could not see that and definitely no feelings of perfect couple. In fact, l thought the teen actors potraying CJW, KSW and her older brother seemed to have far more superior acting performance than the adult actors.

I refer to my observations from recently trips to above countries and reiterate that the Korean tides are likely to subside around Asia by the end of this year.

Looking through CJW's Four Pillars of Destiny as I previously mentioned, the year 2004 and 2005 are her career's peak. Nevertheless, 2005 is not as good as 2004. Hence, 2H2004 is a very important period for CJW to maximise whatever she wanted to achieve in her career to fully capitalise on the Heaven and Earth "chi" that support her so far this year.

The above are just my thoughts purely for discussion only.


2004.05.20 22:24:56

By the way, I found it amusing to watch KSW brought around a crowd when he went around his theme park or shopping centre. Huahaha...are they his bodyguard or micky mouse for show. In reality, if you happen to observe Richard Li or Bill Gates, they have bever brought along a whole bunch of "idiots" with them.

Also, what is the significance of putting a White Guy as his driver and what KSW knew how to speak in the entire show is "O.K"

I think I better stop, it is getting very very funny.


2004.05.21 18:19:24

Agree, Casper. Still I like the show (including the songs) and both KSW and JW acted very well in it (personal view). And yes, the teens acted very well in the drama. I've just read someone who wrote this comment which very aptly described why so many people like StH despite the flaws, if one wud carefully analyse the story plot - i.e. those watched it are silly and those acted it are mad (more of a kind a joking phrase rather than to take it literally).

The Taiwan papers carried news that the Taiwanese viewers are criticising its story - "changing the soup but not the herbs/medicine", making a lot of huha and yet still couldn't take their eyes off screen of this show.

I agree with Ofie (who join in the comment) about All In. It just didn't capture my attention as fast as StH (personal view again).

We are just sharing our personal thoughts, there's nothing to be upset about
as we just hold different views and opinions.

Have an enjoyable weekend ..........
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