그동안 설레임과 사랑을 나눠주던 '스타의 연인'이 어느덧 4회만을 남겨두고 있습니다.
우리에게 '마리'를 선물해준 지우님에게 우리가 받은 사랑과 행복을 조금이나마 나누고자 합니다.
여러분들도 기억하시겠지만..
론도때도 그랬듯이 이번에도 '리뷰북'과 '댓글북'을 준비중이랍니다.
특히 '댓글북'은 여러분의 적극적인 참여가 가장 중요합니다.
'리뷰북'도 지금 열심히 준비 중이랍니다...
그리고 여러분의 사랑을 '댓글북'에 가득가득 채워주세요...
이번엔 특별히 지우님과 너무 좋은 호흡을 보여준 '철수' 유지태님께도 댓글북을 선물할까 합니다.

댓글북에 참여하는 방법은...
누구에게 보내는 메세지인지 쓰신 후
우리가 그동안 '스타의 연인'을 보면서 느낀 감동과 기쁨,슬픔 등등...
하고 싶은 말들을 쓰시면 됩니다.
해외팬 분들도 많이 참여해 주세요...
영어나 일본어로 쓰면 저희가 번역해서 두분께 전해드릴 예정입니다.

2월 6일 금요일까지 참여해 주세요..
코멘트로 달아주세요..
여러분의 사랑을 보여주세요...


To. ジウさま
To. ジテさま


STARJIWOO families who fill with joy and happiness for "Star's Lover".
The broadcast of "Star's Lover" which give us excitement and love remain only 4 stories.
I think that we share our love and happiness which we received from
Jiwoo with Jiwoo who gave "Ma Ri" to us .
Maybe you remember...
we gave a message book to Jiwoo when she shot Rondo.
We are preparing a review book and a message book this time, too like it.
Especially, a message book is the most important your active commitment.
We are preparing a review book very hard, too.
So, please stuff the message book with your love.
And we will send a message book to "Chol su",
Yoo Ji Tae who showed harmonious play with Jiwoo.

The way to participate the message book,
First, you show whom you want to give the message to.. like
To. Ji Woo or To. Ji Tae, Next, you write your feeling about Star's Lover,
impression, pleasure, sadness etc.
You post a message you want to tell them.
I hope many foreigner fnas participate the message book.
I will give the book to Jiwoo and Jitae.

Please post your comment to 6th Feb.
If you can't post on this comment, please send your message to me by e-mail.
Please show your love.

코스(W.M) Email address = englian2002@hotmail.com

댓글 '185'


2009.02.05 01:24:12

지우님, 지태님
드라마 스타의 연인에서 호흡이 맞던 둘 연기
사랑과 슬픔, 사랑과 고뇌, 그리고 안타까움 등 보는 시청자에게
아주 리얼하게 전해져서 드라마인지 현실인지 생각하는 만큼!! 감동하고 있습니다.
한국어를 이해할 수 있으면 더욱 감정이 이입될 수 있는데...!!!
이번 봄에 일본에서 시작하는 방송을 기대해서 기다립니다.
힘든 촬영을 진지하게 진행하는 둘
얼마 남지 않은 촬영이 부디 무사히 끝나는 걸 진심으로 바랍니다.
스타의 연인 화이팅!!!
지우님, 지태님 앞으로 활약과 건강을 기도합니다.


2009.02.05 02:02:20

Dearest Jiwoo,
Star's Lover is so touching, every night I watch it again & again, ep 6 is my favourite, so sweet......before that I love you 90%, after that i love you 1000%.You are really make a good decision, and your performance is excellence.We are so proud of you.No matter it is happy ending or not, 100% support Jiwoo & Star's Lover. BUT YOUR REAL LIFE MUST HAPPY WITH YOUR MR RIGHT! PROMISE US, OK?! ^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^
one of your die-hard fans from hong kong


2009.02.05 02:11:18

To 최지우님
드라마의 촬영을 만난다고 하는 행운에 혜택을 받아서 매우 좋은 새로운 년의 시작이 되었습니다.
「스타의 연인」은 나에 있어서 추억이 많음 있어 잊을 수 없는
드라마가 되었습니다. 고맙습니다.
앞으로도 촬영장소 순방은 계속됩니다.
즐겨서 읽어 주십시오


2009.02.05 03:25:42

Dear Ji Woo and Ji Tae,

It's been many years since a Korean drama has mesmerized me and kept me spellbound, week after week. A Star's Lover has done that!
It's a great drama with high production values but its success lies in your excellent acting and the sizzling, unforgettable chemistry between the two of you.
I have watched your films/dramas and never have I seen such great chemistry between yourselves and your co-stars.
Somehow, your chemistry with each other in A Star's Lover exceeds them all. There is just so much passion, intensity and realism in all your scenes together.
Many, many viewers and fans like myself hope you will collaborate with each other again - on film or in another TV drama.
A Star's Lover is a drama I can watch again and again. It has made me laugh, and also cry. It's simply memorable.
Thank you for giving us this wonderful drama.

From Serena (Australia)"

Erwin Franzen

2009.02.05 05:19:12

Dear Ji Woo,

Thank you for working so hard again to portray Lee Mari. Like everybody else here I hope you can stay healthy in mind and body.
I am also very enchanted by the way you act as Lee Mari, and I wonder if some of it reflects your personal experiences. Your Lee Mari is beautiful, soft and lovely yet also resilient, like other characters you have portrayed. To my knowledge you have never portrayed a selfish or narrow-minded person -- perhaps because that would go too much
against your grain. Star's Lover is really great drama, and I feel that, while you and Yoo Ji Tae are the central part of this story, the other actors also deserve credit, and so do all the people who have been working hard to bring us this wonderful entertainment -- and all those who are always around to support and protect you. I want to thank all of
you. I think all of you together are doing a really great job. That is why your deserve great success and recognition far beyond Korea.
For you personally I want to join our friends here in wishing you happiness with a special person of your choice, together with whom you can fulfill your most cherished dreams -- and perhaps have beautiful children or whatever you wish for most.
Blessings to you and all those you love and who love you.

Erwin in tiny Luxembourg.


2009.02.05 08:01:51

이제(벌써) 「스타의 연인」이 끝나 버릴 것이라고 생각하면 정말로 외로운 마음입니다.
말을 모르는데, 처음의 무렵의 Miss MaRi의 아름답고 활달하고 자유분방한 곳에 매력을 느끼고, 중반으로부터 후반은 여배우로서의 입장과 사랑하는 1인의 여성이라고 하는 입장에서 흔들리는 여성의 마음의 안타까움이 전해져 와 울었습니다.
영상을 보고 있으면, 더욱 더 가늘어져 가는 Jiwoo님이 걱정되어 되지 않습니다만, 지금부터 조금, 이제(벌써) 1노력해 주세요.
일본에서의 방송을 손꼽아 기다리면서, 인터넷 시청도 즐깁니다.
쭉 쭉 사랑하고 있습니다.^^

드라마가 시작되기 전에는 Jiwoo님과 JiTae님 러브 스토리가 완전히 상상이 다하지 않았습니다만, 드라마가 시작되어 보면, 2인이 정말로 잘 어울리는 연인으로 보이고, 더 이상, 잘 어울리는 2인은 없다고 생각되게 되었습니다.
JiTae님에게는, 드라마 수록동안, Jiwoo님을 서포트해 주셨던 것에 진심으로 인사를 하고 싶습니다.
Miss MaRi와 CholSu를 만날 수 없어지는 것은 정말로 외롭습니다만, 끝까지 Miss MaRi를 잘 부탁드립니다.


2009.02.05 10:38:25

jiwoo,fighting! Love you!


2009.02.05 11:37:49






胸一杯の感謝の気持ちと永遠の愛を込めて  From.kappa


2009.02.05 12:18:13





2009.02.05 12:52:15

"Star's Lover":
The first 4 episodes... really like its feel...the tempo is quick, like watching a love movie... the ep. 6 is the most funniest that we enjoyed seeing CJW and YJT making a good chemistry in their acting !
The PD, and all staff worked very hard with the actresses/actors so far...and what they have worked in the past 2 months in Japan and Korea only contributed to the first few episodes...and continued to work week by week for the 2 episodes per week till the end of the drama. Oh no...
Star Lover is really a different korean drama style...maybe too quick and new to the majority korean drama views that the viewing rate is not satisfactory so far.

To me and fans for korean dramas and our beloved Jiwoo ssi...we found her working hard to present to us so many roles as movie star or TV drama stars before us...and those scenes only appeared for a moment and then gone....
That is why this TV drama series gave us the feel ...very enriched and beautiful sceneries and Jiwoo's scenes as movie stars in different styles in different movies....very interesting and fulfilling to Jiwoo'sfans...and the storyline is new and of course created and based on "Notting Hill" but in an asian style.

We really appreciate the hard work from the Star Lover Team and please be assured of your work and don't get disappointed by the viewing rate...this is kind of innovative from the usual korean TV drama style...dragging too much on the childhood and youth days ....and of course telling a story must start from the very begining, and how this movie star has emerged during these 10 years...and I am excited to see the story was presented very well...and how to shape the main actress and actor's characters, a romantic love story but with fun and mysteries in between!!!
Every one in the team has played an important part, besides PD, playwright, actors and actresses, the photography is beautiful and we appreciate and enjoy
all along, till the last episode to be presented to us.
Hope that "Star Lover" will be welcomed all around many countries around and success for the coming broadcast in Japan as the first step out of Korea!!

Fans from Hong Kong and Toronto


2009.02.05 14:11:54

오랜만에 느껴보는 정말 마음 따듯한 드라마로 우리에게 다가와 주어서 감사해요.
톱스타 이마리라는 캐릭터라 부담스러웠을텐데도 지우만의
멜로로 우리에게 제대로 된 드라마를 볼수있는 기회를 주었네요.
팬의 입장에서 시청률까지 좋았으면 하는 욕심이 없었다면 거짓이겠지만
역시 지우씨만의 색깔로 인해 마리에게 푹 빠져 올인하고 지내고 있어요.
드라마가 끝나가면서 아쉬운 마음을 감출수는 없지만
지우씨의 재 발견이라는 기사들을 보면서 행복하고 기뻤어요.
늘 팬들에게 다양한 모습으로 다가오려는 지우씨의 노력을 알기에
또 그런 지우씨를 사랑하기에 스타의 연인이 끝나는게 아쉽고 더 연장해 달라고 하고 싶은 마음 뿐이네요.
이젠 마리와도 작별할 시간이 다가오지만 또 다른 지우씨를 기다리며 행복한 날들을 보내고 있을께요.
지우씨! 수고 많이 하셨구요.
잠깐의 휴식이 있다면 푹~~~~ 쉬면서 건강 관리 잘 하길 바랄께요.
사랑해요~~~~ 지우씨 ^ ^

영화에서만 보던 지태씨를 지우씨와 함께 연인이 되어 티비로 보면서 행복했어요
처음 하는 드라마라 부담감도 크셨을거라 생각하지만, 제가 느끼는 지태님은
시청률보다는 스탭간의 조화와과 파트너와의 호흡을 중요시 여기는것 같아요.
맞나요? ^ ^
스타의 연인에서 보여준 철수를 잊지 못할것 같고 또 다른 드라마에서 만나기를
유지태씨. 김철수모두 화이팅!!!
좋은 작품 감사드려요.


2009.02.05 16:01:14

언니 안녕하세요^^;;
시간이 너무 빨리 지나가는 것 같아요
이젠 스타의연인 3회밖에 남지 않았다니 너무 슬프고 답답해요 아쉽기도 하고..
지나간 겨울은 이마리가 있어서 너무 행복했어요.이마리와 같이 웃고 울고 슬프고..
그런 행복한 추억을 주셔서 너무 고마워요^^;;
언니만의 이마리 우리만의 이마리 진짜 잊지 못할꺼예요.
언니 중국에서도 많은 팬들 있기를 알시죠?^^우리 영원이 언니 힘이 되고 언니 위해 열심히 응원할꺼예요..그래서..언니도 아프지말고 항상 웃었으면 좋겠네요.
언니~앞으로 한국거나 홍콩거나 많은 활동 바랄께요^^화이팅!!


2009.02.05 16:13:41

여배우 최지우씨이기때문에 스타 이마리의 마음을 깊이 이해하고
마음으로 연기할 수 있었다고 생각합니다.
이마리는 자신에게 발랄하면서 솔직해서 귀여운 반면,
나이브한 성격도 있어서 정말 사랑할 수 밖에 없는 여성이였습니다.
마리도 철수는 재미있고, 행복한 장면을 정말 좋아합니다.
하지만 스타의 화려함 뒤에 숨겨진 평범한 여성으로서의 사랑의 어려움도 느끼면서, 가슴이 찡해졌습니다.
지우씨의 연기는 뛰어나고 감동을 주기에 충분했습니다.
지우씨의 연기는 '진짜'였습니다.
이마리가 때때로 지우씨 처럼 느껴져 마음이 들뜨기도 하고,
아슬아슬하기도 하여 때로는 애틋하기도 했습니다.

엑스트라를 경험하고 추위 중에서도 프로의 연기를 철저하게 하는 지우씨를 봤던 것 ,
또한 뛰어난 발레연기를 보여주었던 것 .
항상 최선을 다하고, 노력하는 여배우 인 것을 재인식하고, 한층 더 좋아지고 말았습니다.
'스타의 연인’ 은 어른들을 위한 동화 같습니다.
일본에서도 반드시 많은 사람들에게 사랑받을 줄 믿습니다.
일본에서도 4월 부터 시작하는데,
많은 사람들의 마음을 사로잡는 드라마가 되길 바라며, 응원하겠습니다.
드라마를 촬영하면서 수고많이 하셨습니다.
지우씨의 건강과 행복을 마음으로 기원합니다.
늘 감사합니다.
또한 많은 꿈들을 보내주시길 바라며...

지우히메 화이팅~!!
스타의연인 화이팅~!!
q(^-^q) (p^-^)p

마음의 선을 긋고, 사람들을 신용할 수 없는 철수.
마음에 상처를 가지고 어른이 된 철수를 연기한 유지태씨의 연기력은 정말 훌륭했습니다.
화를 낼 때는 무서울 때도 있었습니다. 마음은 정말로 다정하고 부드러운 분이신데...
감동에는 국경은 관계가 없습니다. 앞으로의 활약을 기대하고 있습니다.
건강하시고, 행복하세요.
좋은 일들이 많이 있길 바랍니다.


2009.02.05 16:40:51

Dear Ji Woo:
I’m from México City. Sorry my english is not good,
my editing is maybe so poor.
I start to watch korean dramas since my sisters showed me a video of Winter Sonata, honesty i don’t like, but after i like it. When I saw Stairway to Heaven,..
I was so impressed by your great acting, nobody, never, never had managed to make an impression to me as much as you, anyone actrees of U.S.A. or Europhe, nobody. For me STH is the no. 1 and you the best actress I ever seen.
For you, I want to learn the lenguaje of your country,
I ear music and see news of your country, just for you and STH.
You are the only korean actress that admire the most,
I see more asian actress but you are the best forever, the best asian actress. You kwow: I never felt like this for any actor or actress in all the world. When Kwon Sang Woo married, so many fans of korean wave in my country say: Why KSW don’t married with Choi Ji Woo, they are the perfect couple!!!
I watched so many of your dramas: Nowhere to hide, Mr Duke, Winter Sonata, The romantic president, Everybody has a secret, Rondo, Air City, Shadowless Sword, Hallelujah, First Kiss, Now and Forever, Stairway to heaven and now: Star’s Lovers. I’ve got to tell you: your best acting is STH and Star’s Lovers.
I love Stars Lovers, the music, the story, the picture and of course your acting, Lee Mari is so natural, lovely and so real. My sister and I are fans of this drama and we see the chapters with emotion. Only you could be performance a Lee Mari.
The moments, days, months of emotion, hapiness and pleasure of your dramas have give to me that energy that I need for my job and my life, reminder the important it is to do something you love and to do it well.
While I write these lines listen to music of your dramas.
Remember, you have a avid fan in México City, I hope meet you some day, I hope some day will visit your country. Hey, you visit Cuba in the past,
Why don’t visit México?
My very best wishes to you.
From México City,... Alexa.

To Yoo Ji Tae:
Thank for you acting in Star’s Lovers.
I see you before in Ditto (excellent movie with Kim Ha Neul)the things you said in that movie oh, very good.
In Running Wild with Kwon Sang Woo, and your acting is so good.
Your chemistry with lovely Ji Woo is undeniable, I hope you’ll make more dramas please, your smile kill me!!!!
In Star’s Lovers you are so great. The feeling in your acting is so real, your love for Lee Mari, oh my God, when you kiss her, I think to my self: I want a man that kiss me same. You have a special angel. Now I’m your fan forever.

iman adna

2009.02.05 16:45:06

I am writing here to let CJW and YJT know that I really like their drama Star's Lover.
I don't think that I just like this drama..
but I think I have deeply madly fallen in love with this drama.
I heard about the not so good ratings for this drama on TV,
but I think you guys have lots and lots of fans who are watching this drama online
from all over the world.
We are patiently waiting everyday for the next episode to be uploaded and subbed. This drama is among the hot top frequently watched drama online.
CJW and YJT, you guys are so great actor and actress.
Other supporting actors and actresses are great as well making this drama incredibly awesome and superb. CJW and YJT,
you guys have made me laugh, cry, and smile throughout the episodes.
I am missing to watch you guys acting everyday.
I even watched few episodes without subbed just because I am so into this drama and really can't wait to know what is happening next.
I hope you guys will act together again in other dramas in the future.
I will definitely support both of you.
I really feel that you guys have such great acting talent.
Kim Chulsoo & Lee Ma ri..bo go ship uh yoh...sarangeee :)) aja aja fighting!! -->>few korean words that I learnt so far.


2009.02.05 16:47:41

안녕하세요 !
저는 홍콩 팬이에요. 지금 한국어를 배워요. 요즘 스타의 연인을 봐요. 그리고 너무 좋아해요.
지우 씨, 감사합니다. 믾이 고맙습니다. 스타의 연인이 좋아요!
홍콩에서 만날까요? 어서 오세요!

Serena Kho

2009.02.05 16:47:42

"Dear Ji Woo and Ji Tae, It's been many years since a Korean drama has mesmerized me and keptme spellbound, week after week. A Star's Lover has done that!It's a great drama with high production values but its success lies inyour excellent acting and the sizzling, unforgettable chemistrybetween the both of you.I have watched your films/dramas and never have I seen such greatchemistry between yourselves and your co-stars.Somehow, your chemistry with each other in A Star's Lover exceeds themall. There is just so much passion, intensity and realism in all yourscenes together.Many, many viewers and fans like myself hope you will collaborate witheach other again - on film or in another TV drama.A Star's Lover is a drama I can watch again and again. It has made melaugh, and also cry. It's simply memorable.Thank you for giving us this wonderful drama."

kxuyen pha

2009.02.05 16:49:40

My dearest JiWoo ,
From the bottom of my heart i would like to tell you that all of what you have done really make me happy to enjoy of the beauty of this world .
Maybe even you yourself do not know how much my love to you because you
are living in your country which is not mine but it is not strange at all .
Ms Choi Ji Woo is loved and admired by a lot of foreingers`fans....
You are very special really ! very special ...! You cannot imagine how special you are to me whenever i think of this complicated life . Your innocence , purity ,
and simplicity are the most wonderful things that almost actresses do not have in the movie
industry now . Moreover , your performance in " Stairs to Heaven " was very excellent . I has been attracted by Korean dramas ,
especially all of your films since i watched this . I started to study Korean language ,
cultulre and want to travel to your beautiful country because there is an angel in Korean ...
After having a very lovely Chonso in Stair to Heaven ,
we continue to be happy when our God brings Lee Mari in Star`s Lover to us .
Thank you so much for your devotion to this drama ,
Dearest Ji Woo !!! You and your true lover are very nice together ...
We love both of you very much !!! Hope Both of You will be together in another drama and movie ..
I wish Lee Mari and her true lover are allways in good health .
All my love !!!


2009.02.05 16:53:23

Omg This was the BEST DRAMA EVER!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!
I recommended it to tall my friends and i too plan to buy the DVD when it comes out!. I love both actors in this drama i too think they were the best ones for this role!!!!! they did such a great job, I laughed I cried, I did everything with this drama. The ratings are wrong someone should tell them that on Mysouju.
com they are amongst the popular dramas!!!!! They are great!!!!!
YJT and CJW are such great actors.....I commend their acting on this drama. Getting low tv ratings don't mean that this drama is no good. It is indeed a superb drama and very highly recommended to all viewers who loves Korean drama.
Thank you for your hard work,


2009.02.05 17:33:00

많이 고맙습니다. 스타의 연인이 좋아요!


2009.02.05 17:38:32

Dear Ji Woo,

My mother and I have been your fans since we first saw your drama in 2004. It was you and your drama which make us in love with Korean dramas and movies. We have almost watched all of your works except those there is no DVD can be found. We like your unique charisma and touching performance most. We are so happy to see you in "Star's Lover" a year after "Air City". We really like Lee Mari in "Star's Lover". You, Mari is so charming, elegant and brave in love. We are surprised by the chemistry between Ji Tae and you also. Please don't be sad about the rating. It's really not an accurate standard to rate the quality of a drama. It could never reflect the love and support of this drama from worldwide on-line audience. Thank you for always portraying different characters which touch our hearts. We will always support you! God bless you!

Best wishes,
Agnes & Michele
From Hong Kong


Dear Ji Tae,

I am not sure if I first saw you in "Old Boy" or "Once Fine Spring Day". And then, I did see you in "Ditto" and "Running Wild". Your performace in the movies are impressive but not as attractive as Chulsoo in "Star's Lover". It may be because the movies are too short and not allow us to fall in love with a character within 120 mins. Thank you for choosing "Star's Lover" as your first drama and portraying such a charismatic Chulsoo. My mother and I started to watch the "Star's Lover" because of Jiwoo. We are surprised by the chemistry between Ji woo and you. Both of us have now become your supporter. I have read an interview of you that you are not very care about the rating. I totally agree with you and it's really not an accurate standard to rate the quality of a drama. It could never reflect the love and support of this drama from worldwide on-line audience. I am sure your fans will be more and more from different parts of the world when "Star's Lover" be broadcast on TV in other countries. I do enjoy seeing your diversified acting and hope to see you more in drama. We will always support you! God bless you!

Best wishes,
Agnes & Michele
From Hong Kong


2009.02.05 17:58:39

To Jiwoo
To Ji Tae BOAさんが!Ji Taeさんのファンだそうです!


2009.02.05 19:12:42

Dearest jiwoo:
I'm one those your fans in America, and we appreciate your dedicate, excellence and great performance in this show Star's Lover. Your performance in Star's Lover is excellent. You are a great actress and your tears and voice are touching. I see a great deal of improvement since Air City. I read that you only sleep one hour while shooting the show, please take yourself well, the road is long for your career, we wish to see your perform more later. So take care and enjoy life. My God bless you.

Best wishes
your fan from Los Angeles - Rachel


2009.02.05 19:53:42



2009.02.05 20:07:31

매주, 자신에게의 포상으로서 기대하고 있던 「스타의 연인」이 금방 끝나 버리는 것은 외롭게 느낍니다.
마리씨가 웃을 때는 나도 웃는 얼굴이 되어, 눈물이 흐를 때는 나도 슬퍼졌습니다.
그렇지만 사랑스러운 마리씨의 모습에 언제나 건강을 받았습니다!^^
끝까지 지우씨의 최고의 연기를 기대하고 있습니다.그리고 빨리 일본에서도 보고 싶습니다.

스타의 연인으로 지테씨가 치유되는 웃는 얼굴이 멋지다고 생각했습니다.마리씨가 처음으로 자택에 왔을 때의 표정등 즐겁게 보고 있었습니다.
나머지의 이야기에서도 마리씨와의 교환을 즐겁게 해 주세요.


2009.02.05 20:11:55





2009.02.05 20:13:52

我是真的看不懂他们再说什么我要晕了 不过我也喜欢你就是了 永远支持你哈

Noriko Ito

2009.02.05 20:54:03

기다리고 기다렸던 지우히메 드라마를 컴으로 보고 있습니다.
항상 전력투구의 연기에 압도되고 있었는데 이번 드라마에서도
새로운 모습을 많이 볼 수 있어서 감동합니다.
드라마 전반으로는 웃거나 사랑스러운 장면이 많이 볼 수 있었지만
요즘 몇회는 가슴 아픈 장면이 많아서...
정말 멋진 드라마를 선물해주셔서 감사합니다.
내 보물로 합니다.
4월 일본 방송이 기다려집니다.
아직 춥습니다.
마지막까지 힘내세요.

올드보이, 야수로 지태님을 알고 있었습니다만 양쪽 모두 어두운 작품으로
스타의 연인에서 지금까지와 다른 모습의 지태님을 볼 수 있어서
인식을 새로이 했습니다.
죄근 지태님은 영화 쪽에서는 "메로의 하느님"이라고 불리고 있는 걸 알았습니다.
지우히메는 "메로의 여왕"이니까 이번 드라마는 성공하지 않을 수가 없습니다.
또 다른 작품으로 지우히메와 함께 출연 해주세요.


2009.02.05 20:57:39

Dear cc (Jiwoo),
I'm very happy to see you again in this drama ‘Star's lover'.
In this work, you show your charming temperament as always.Your eyes and the emotion are always rich in contents.Under your performance, Lee Ma Ri , arrogant and lonely,cute and mature... Particularly her persistent love to Chulsoo, for which she can give up everything,makes us touched. When watching the drama, we pray for this courageous couple that they will get together after pulling out all the difficulties. Besides these,we feel deeply that star is ordinary people. Believe that more people will realize this point through the drama.
Now we not only love you,but also Lee Ma Ri.( If only there truely existed Lee Ma Ri in the world. :P)
Thank you for your and crew's relentless efforts. Because of you, we gain the happiness and life experience.

It has been 6 years since I first watched your drama. At that time, I just began to love your performance. I pay attention to your change,your growth in every work announced every year. I witness your talence and your effort. Your performance become more and more proficient. Your smile,your tears,even your breath can evoke everyone's resonance.
From your performance, we feel joy and happiness! And we hope you can feel ease from our support! Don't give yourself too much pressure and please take care of yourself!
Wish you happy forever! :)

your fans from Shanghai,China


2009.02.05 20:57:49



2009.02.05 21:08:33

심한 추위에 촬영 수고 하셨습니다!
나는 "스타의 연인"의 엑스트라로서 오사카와 한국에서 촬영에 참석할 수 있어서
너무나 애착이 있는 드라마입니다.
추운데 새벽까지 촬영하는 정말 힘든 모습을 볼 수 있어서 지우님의 일에 대한
자세를 느낄 수 있었습니다.
정말 멋진 드라마입니다!
본방사수는 못하고 게다가 말도 이해 못하는데 눈물이 멈추지 않은 때도 있었습니다.
이렇게 안타깝게 마음을 움직이게 하는 드라마는 처음입니다!
하지만 지우님의 너무 귀여운 모습, 아름다운 모습, 그리고 늠름한 모습등
다양한 얼굴을 볼 수 있어서 드라마를 즐기고 있습니다!
힘들게 촬영을 하는 것 같지만 부디 몸 조심해서 힘내세요!!
일본에서 방송하는 날을 기대하고 있습니다.
지우님 화이팅!!
스타의 연인 화이팅!!


2009.02.05 21:35:21

我是你永远的粉丝,是你永远的支持者,感谢你和Yoo Ji Tae给我们奉献这么优秀的作品。从冬恋开始,不知不觉已迷恋你八年了,喜欢你开始有太多的理由,但现在真的是没理由的喜欢你。在明恋中,您真的震撼我们了,您一定要相信自己的演技,我们永远是你坚强的后盾,再次感谢你们的激情演出。我深深的祝福你,祝你身体健康,事业更上一层楼!
给刚刚认知的Yoo Ji Tae,
通过明恋认识了你,演的太有味道了,就像您说的,收视率并不代表什么,我相信通过明恋您将拥有更多的funs,我们就是通过明恋有幸看到您精湛的演技,感谢您与jiwoo的合作给我们如此大的惊喜!我们真希望再看到两位的再次精彩合作!祝Yoo Ji Tae新年新气象,身体好,事业红!


2009.02.05 22:02:21

TO ジウさま~

TO ジテさま~


2009.02.05 22:33:47

To Jiwoo:
I know you make this work very hard
You a lot of thin ... .. Although the work is very important .... Also do not forget to take care of themselves
Healthy body is a money can not buy
Although, as fans will always look forward to your new works
But did not want to because we are affected by the expectations of your health

Fuel to the well-being ...
You really like the "Stars Love" works
marry ~ very beautiful is also very cute
But I also look forward to your "marriage"


To chitai obba :

While know your time is running
But because of "Star`s Love"
You play really great
Would have been looking forward to the development of drama
Fuel to the well-being ...

Taiwan fan Sammi(趴趴熊)
To Jiwoo
예전부터 지우씨를 좋아했지만 이번 스타의연인을 보고 더 좋아졌어요. 밝고명랑한 마리가 얼마나 귀여운지..또 마리가 슬퍼하며 우는 모습은 보는 이들의 마음을 아프게도 합니다.시청률에 연연하지 않았으면 좋겠어요, 이 드라마는 충분히 우리들을 감동시키니까요. 지우씨와 많은 스텝분들에게 정말 감사드리고, 이런 드라마를 볼 수 있게 되어 너무 행복합니다.

To. jitae. 유지태씨의 연기를 볼 수 있게 되서 정말 기쁩니다. 자존심 강하고, 상처받기 두려워하고, 자신의 감정을 잘 표현하지 않는 철수를 너무나도 잘 표현해주시는 것 같습니다. 마리와의 감정교류를 보면 진짜 연인인 것 같은 느낌이 들어요.

ps.이 드라마가 해피엔딩으로 끝났으면 하는 바램입니다. 감독님 부탁드려요~ 저희에게 밝고 귀여운 마리의 모습을 되찾아주세요.
your fan 結結


2009.02.05 23:57:53

추운 날씨속에서의 촬영, 수고 하셨습니다.
지우님이 울면 나도 울어, 웃으면 나도 웃습니다.그런 연기를 보고 있어 감동했습니다.
한국에서의 방영은 끝납니다만, 다음은 일본에서
만날 수 있는군요!언제나 아름답고 사랑스러운 지우님을 응원하고 있습니다.

지태님의 웃는 얼굴은 사람의 마음을 따뜻하게 한다
매력이 있다고 생각합니다.
키도 크고 멋진 웃는 얼굴의 지테씨, 앞으로도


2009.02.06 00:18:55



2009.02.06 00:31:44

To 지우님
매주, 인터넷으로, 「스타의 연인」을 시청 하고 있습니다.
이마리라고 하는 여성을 연기하고 있는 지우님을 만날 수 있고, 매우 행복합니다.
초반에 보여 준 귀여워서, 근사한 이마리에 완전히 매료되어 버렸습니다.
중반에서는 안타까운 씬도 많이···가슴이 눌러질 것 같게 되기도 하고 있습니다.
그만큼까지 지우님의 연기는 훌륭합니다 ^^/
최고입니다! 이런 식으로···자막 없이, 말도 이해할 수 없으면서 ^^; 
「스타의 연인」을 보고 있으면···
누군가를 좋아하게 된다고···가슴을 단단히 조를 수 있거나 두근두근 하거나 정말 멋진 일이군요. 라고 재차^^v
매일 매우 추운 가운데, 스케줄이 대단한 안, 최선을 다하여지고, 저희들에게 훌륭한 드라마를 보내 주시는 지우님에게 진심으로 감사합니다.
저희들의 자랑입니다!!!
이마리의 웃는 얼굴을 아주 좋아합니다!!!

To 지태님
「스타의 연인」으로 처음···지테님을 만났습니다.
갑작스런 이마리의 행동에 깜짝 놀랄 때의 쵸르스의 표정을 잊을 수 없습니다.
언제나 상냥한 웃는 얼굴로 지우님을 감싸 주시네요^^ 쵸르스님~마지막에는 이·마리를 마음껏 꼭 껴안아 떼어 놓지 말아 주세요!!! 어려운 촬영이 계속 되는 중, 매우 멋진 드라마를 만들어내 주셔서 감사합니다 


2009.02.06 00:34:36

To 지우히메 ~
추운 겨울에 마음이 따뜻해지는 사랑의 드라마를•••
지우히메로부터의 멋진 선물인 스타의 연인!
말이 충분히 몰라도 매회 가슴을 설레일 수 있는이면서 마리와 함께 웃어 울어•••
그런 시간이 정말로 행복합니다.
지우히메가 지금까지와는 또 다른 매력을 보여 준 이마리라고 하는 히로인은
사랑해야 할 여성이지요!
여배우 마리와 인간 마리의 사이에 고뇌하는 모습…
마리가 가지는 힘과 약함 그리고 마음의 흔들림을 전신으로 연기하고 있던
지우히메에 아낌없는 박수를 보내고 싶습니다.
그 때만 화제가 되어도 한번 더 보고 싶다고는 생각하지 않는 작품도 있습니다.
그렇지만 지우히메의 작품은 몇번이나 몇번이나 반복해 보고 싶어집니다.
그리고 볼 때마다 신선한 감동을 맛볼 수 있습니다.
거기에는 지우히메의 진심이 있기 때문입니다.
언제나 변함없는 진지인 지우히메를 계속 앞으로도 응원합니다∼!
마리와철수•••해피 엔드가 되도록•••
그리고 지우히메도 진실의 사랑을 성취시켜 주세요.
사랑하는 지우히메의 행복을 진심으로 바라고 있습니다.

To 지태님
첫 드라마에 이 작품을 선택해 주신 것을 감사합니다.
우리의 지우히메와도 마음이 맞고 매우 멋진 커플였습니다.
지태씨의 김철수는 영원히 마음에 새겨지겠지요.
한국어의 참고서에 자주 등장하는 김철수라는 이름.
그런 어디에라도 있을 것 같은 철수를 지태씨는 단지 한 명의 철수로서 남겨 주었습니다.
이 이름을 볼 때 생각해 내겠지요.
끝까지 지우히메와 함께 멋진 작품을 만들어내 주세요.
그리고 향후의 활약도 기원하고 있습니다.


2009.02.06 00:56:47

Dear Ji Woo,
as a new fan here =v=
love love love ur star's lover
love love love ur cute expression
Every time u smile, God damn right, it's a beautiful day
so please, just smile, our graceful cute happy queen!
best wishes from Abby
Beijing 2009 Feb


2009.02.06 00:59:49

TO: ジウ様

TO: ジテ様
  インターネットでreal timeに見て、繊細な演技に感動いたしております。


2009.02.06 03:52:53

Greetings From Singapore
Dearest Ji Woo,
I am a fan of you after watching Mr. Duke. Since then, I had bought and viewed all your productions.
Star's Lovers will be another classic drama which will bring audience from all over the World! Good job in your portrait of an international star ( which you are in reality) seeking true love despite hindurance.The character, Li Mari, had been bought alive through your impressive acting.SL had the opportuntity to express the various talents you have.The ability to deliver the character of the drama, the charisma and charm.... had me totally immersed and mystifed... (I watched each espiode at least 6 times).I find pleasure when you smile, ^=^, that's addictively, your laughter, not duplicable...so unique! Your tears....wonderfully controlled and delivered.
Ji Woo ssi,
Love and support you always, I have seen marked improvement in your acting, I am sure SL will bring you to another higher platform in the International Arena of Korean Dramas.Thank God for having you in this World, and giving happiness to me while I watched your shows!
Lastly, stay happy, healthy and smile always %<^=^>%

Alex from Singapore


2009.02.06 05:24:00

two messages from members of Jiwoolove. com

Dear jiwoo,

Dear Jiwoo,

I am one of your chinese fans and I have loved you for about 7 years! Before that I never thought I would ever been a fan of someone, but when i watched on TV the first time, I was deeply fascinated. After that I tried to find all your works and watched them very carefully. I love each of them. Now, I am watching via internet. Through this drama, I see a hard working, contineous improving and also kind-hearted Jiwoo; Jitae, who acted also very well and is called "uncle" by many chinese fans, with his warm laugh; and the bodyguard 长秀,who is very cute and wants the best for his "elder sister".
Korean drama with its pureness and deep love is very beloved by chinese audience. Everyone who watchs this drama is saying "Korean drama is coming back!"。 Thank you to you all, thank you for bringing us warmth in this winter!
Finally, I hope our Jiwoo be cute and pure forever. Wish our Jiwoo be happy all the time! Please believe that I will bless for you in China from my heart!
This year is the Chinese year of the Ox. I wish you be healthy and lucky!

by xiaole3204


Jiwoo ssi:

We see an angel on you because of your pureness and kindness from the bottom of your heart. For me, you are like a relative from far away. Once your new work is on broadcast, those days will become a carneval for us. In your latest drama , we get to know the lovely and charming Mari. But Mari's tears make us feel so painful! For God's sake, please let our angel Jiwoo be happy and safe forever!
Please pass on our deep thanks to all staffs of !

by 程遐馨觐


2009.02.06 10:24:37

TO Princess Jiwoo













Jiwoolove.com 蘭心蕙智

To Princess Jiwoo:

After nearly two years of waiting, we finally your new drama
Lover>. We have been waiting so excitedly on the first day of


You showed us many new images of yourself in , which we have

never seen before. Although some of these images only appeared as scenes

of drama in the drama. Even though many of our aspirations have been

met. For example, you tried the ancient dresses and this appearance made

us very amazing. We are the opinion that you will be excellent in

playing an ancient person and we wish you will decide for playing in an

ancient drama if there is a chance. It will be a good challenge. And

also your appearance as a Kongfu Star, nun, etc. seem very interesting.

Furthermore, you played a scene as a ballet dancer in this drama. When

you rose your leg and turned, you impressed us by your excellent basic

skills of dancing. Your beautiful pose made us crazy.

You showed us different faces of yourself by your role as Mari:

privileged and noble, perceptual and gentle, lovely and innocent,

persistent and dauntless, a girl who will do everything for persuing her

love. Her dauntlessness and innocence cause our strong feeling of pity and love for Mari.We can feel that you are working hard on your role as Mari. This

character becomes vividly and thoroughly by your playing. In this cold

winter you bring us warmth by showing us such a brilliant work. We will

be happy if you are happy.

We are following on SBS website every week while

broadcasting. Even most of us don't understand any Korean, still,

through your and other's acting, we can feel the happiness and sadness

of each character in this drama. They affect our emotions and make us

not able to extricate ourselves. On Chinese BBS this drama becomes a hot

topic. Fans are discussing intensively. There are huge amounts of

messages left by them and many graceful essay written by them.

Every time when we watch your drama, we feel being with the role you

play. It seems like we are falling in love, too, and we have been very

touched by that love. Each time we feel a strong surge in our heart,

which failed to calm. You are the only one who has such an effect to us.

is getting to its ending now. It gives us the mood of

We hope, we will be able to watch another new drama from you soon.
Jiwoo ssi, we will always support you from far away! Try your best and

keep fighting!
We wish you all the best and be happy forever from the bottom of our


To Jitae and all staffs of :

Dear Jitae, is the first drama we watch from you. We are

very appreciated of your brilliant acting. Thank you very much!
Our dearest staffs of , thank you all for your hard working

on this drama. You bring us such a good work! And also thank you for you

kindness to Jiwoo. Many many thanks to you all!



2009.02.06 11:16:28

To Jiwooさま


2009.02.06 11:37:57

Star's Lover is a heart-tugging drama I will never forget!

Hi, this is Wena from the Philippines. I am staying in Korea for a one year exchange student program.

To Ms. Choi Ji Woo, the pure-hearted Lee Mari:

You gave life to this drama. You also gave life to my heart. Thank you for doing this drama project. I am actually sad that this is ending soon. I always love your smile and childlike personality in this drama. You looked sooo adorable!

I am your new fan from the Philippines. I watched your series Beautiful Days, Winter Sonata and Air City. I loved them all. You are a great actress! You have proven in Star's Lover how you are maturing as an actress.

I have a korean friend whose name is Choi Jae Woo, and he always tells me that you are her older cousin. Funny because I almost believed him. There was one time when we watched Star's Lover together and he was amazed at how I liked the drama!

Some people ask me: "Why do you like Choi Ji Woo? She is becoming old!" I always say, "I don't care. I like her better than Wondergirls and Big Bang because she is a wonderful actress and a very good person too. I admire Choi Ji Woo because she is a very professional and accomplished actress recognized across the world!"

I will always like you and support you, Miss Ji Woo! I will always pray for you too. I hope your faith in God grows stronger everyday. God bless you!
-Wena, Philippines

To Mr. Yoo Ji Tae,

I watched you from One Fine Spring Day with Ms. Lee Young Ae. I liked your character both in that movie and in Star's Lover. you did a great job!

You actually made my heart beat fast a lot of times. When you are angry, you looked so scary but when you are sweet, you looked so warm and trustworthy. Thank you for giving life to Kim Chul Soo!
-Wena, Philippines

To Jung Woon Taek:

You are soooooo funny. Thank you for giving a balance to this drama. You are a good actor! I'll be watching out for more of your movies and drama! More power!
-Wena, Philippines

To Director Boo Sung Chul and Screenwriter Oh Soo Yun:

A round of applause for both of you.

Some people told me that Star's Lover is not a good drama. They say that it's not very exciting and it is only good for ahjummas. I disagree! I liked this drama so much. Thank you for your hardwork, the story went so good and I felt like it was real. The dialogues are very straight and honest and I liked the way each character was portrayed.

Again, thank you very much and more power to you!
-Wena, Philippines


2009.02.06 12:02:09

To Jiwoo ssi

I love your portrayal of Lee Mari.


2009.02.06 12:10:27

TO ジウさま
今までのドラマの中でも 一番自然な演技で 私を驚かせ 、キム・チョルスとの
ほほえましい 可愛いやりとりは 私の心を暖かくしてくれました。
純粋な女と純情な男の大人の童話 「スターの恋人」 !
言葉が分からなくても こんなに面白いのに
4月に 字幕で見たらどうなっちゃうんでしょう~?!^^
これからも、進化していく 女優 チェジウを見せてください~!
厳しい撮影環境の中での 身を削っての撮影、本当にお疲れ様でした!

TO ジテさま
ジテさま はじめまして!
と言うより、私にとっては やっぱり キム・チョルスさん!
とても素晴らしい感情演技で このドラマを引っ張ってくださって ありがとうございます!
ジウさまのファンでいるおかげで 又ひとり 素敵な俳優さんを  知ることができました^^。
今度は 映画で ジウさまと 又、違った ストーリ-を見せてください!
大変な撮影の中 本当に お疲れさまでした!


2009.02.06 12:37:01

To Jiwooさま


yuka & katsuyo


2009.02.06 13:27:46

to jiwooさま  ドラマ撮影お疲れ様です。
毎週 楽しくワクワクしながら観ました。
姫でなければ出来ない “スターの恋人” 素敵な演技に満足しています。
jiwoo姫 ファイテーン!!! イ.マリ ファイテーン!!!

to ジテ様   撮影お疲れ様でした。
とても 素敵な声と演技に感動しました。


2009.02.06 14:10:04

이제 18회까지 달려 다음주가 종영인데 많이 행복했고, 많이 아쉬워요.
오랫만에 설레임을 느낀, 또 되새김질을 할 수 있는 스연과 이마리를 선물해 주셔서 행복 했구요, 곳곳해 지우님의 노력의 흔적이 많이 보였던 스연을 놓아야 해서, 또 오랜동안 지우님을 그리움으로 기다려야 함으로 아쉬운 마음도 앞선답니다.

한 여자로서, 배우로서 지우님이 성장해 나가는 모습 오래 볼 수 있기 바라구요,
언제나, 건강하기를, 행복하기를, 빛나기를 (서우진 버전)...
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