Tan Li Li

2004.06.08 23:36

Dear Casper,
Why are you having such a big react over this issue? Do you still consider yourself as a fan of Ji Woo? I really doubt so as from what I read from the above messages, instead of supporting her, you seem to be trying to tarnish her reputation or even influencing all her fans that she is really going to become your so called 'porn star' in future!
No doubts that when I first saw the preview of 'Everyone', I was shocked to see those scenes of hers but after some thinking and talking to my friends, I realised that the preview is still too early for us to judge on her decision in taking up this role! I believed she knows what she is doing and will not disappoint us!
She had already proven to us that she has always been doing her best in whichever role that she has taken up. Don't you agreed that she has proven to us that she had improved a lot in her acting in STH!
Why can't we just give her a break by giving her some support while waiting for the movie to be out for our judgement! Moreover her birthday is coming this Friday, can't we just let her have a peace of mind on that day!
Therefore my conclusion is that, no matter what she has done in the movie, I respect her decision as I believed she clearly knows what she's doing! I will still be giving her all my supportsand trusts! Cheers! :):):)