
2004.06.09 00:26

Hi all, I took a break and ... gosh! 23 comments! This turned out to be such a "talky" issue.
I must firstly state that I've zero intention of spoiling JW's birthday with this topic. I just wanted to voice my lil' discomfort after seeing the trailer and the pictures, although I know that trailer does not represent 100% the movie. This in no way subtracts my support for JW. In fact, if I were not a fan, I wouldn't be bothered at all.
Granted that a good professional will always want to expand her roles and experiences, granted that JW could be trusted to do her best in this role as always, I would rather her new movie be something else. OR at least have a more tasteful trailer!
To counter that "little voice" in my head, I've also tried some counter-arguments like: maybe the scripts available to her for choosing are only so-so; maybe she really wanted to work with this director/cast; maybe the movie company want to drum up publicity by releasing trailer of this particular nature (in which case we are all helping it)...
Therefore, my birthday wish for JW is for her to be offered well-crafted, more interesting, challenging roles that take her beyond crying (the whole gamut of it) and comedy. She deserves better!