delinnia H.

2010.05.18 08:01

Hi Kim,
I came to know you through this site. It is very soothing to read such a heart warming comment from you early in the morning of my place. You are later than me to know Ms Ji Woo cause my attention was fully drawn since I watched Winter Sonata in 2002. It has been full 8 years that I followed my 2 beloved young ones together through thick and thin. A lot of good time has passed by. In our belief every time is a good time and good things come through the good will of heart. The time has come for Ms Ji Woo to have a good love, good life with beloved husband and good family around her to enjoy. I truly pray for her happiness and Wonderful Day will come into her life to join 2 hearts together. I do hope all our good wishes will come into real action soon, Kim.