
2005.05.11 23:02

kk様 こんばんわ。貴重なVODと写真有難う御座います・私は、今回初めてお見送りに羽田に行きましたが、あっと言う間の出来事で正直言って何が何だか分かりませんでした。(やはり、初心者)ですから、特に私には有り難いUPです。今回現場に行き、いかに規制の厳しい中「画」を撮る事が難しいかが分かった様な気がします。kk様や空港でコンサートの映像を皆さんに見せて下さったHAL様の行動力には、頭が下がります。本当に感謝感謝です。 
Kk .What to tell the truth Thank you a valuable VOD and photograph we have not understood somehow due to the event while it says of the first seeing off this time though I went to Haneda. (still, beginner)Therefore, it is especially welcome UP for me. I think that it understood whether it goes to the site, and it is difficult to take inside "Picture" with which the restriction is very severe this time. It admires for the action power of HAL that shows you the image of the concert in kk and the airport. It is expressing of gratitude really for thanks.