
2004.06.21 17:11

Hi ladies, love and enjoy this site/board very much. B'cos all of us have the same love & passion for Heaven and its leading couples. It's strange that I couldn't post my sharings/comments in my home PC. Hence, I only can do it in my office PC which is very inconvenient.

Arielle, I was also having the same thoughts w/you on SW shower scene - to contrast it w/JW who had discard the necklace. The necklace was used as a symbol of love bond for their reunion when they were separated thru schemes and plots of Tae Mira/Yoori and even Tae Hwa who "stole" her away for 5 years.

In Ep 19, SJ actually wanted to donate 1 of his eye to JS but unfortunately this was not allowed ethically (to remove any organ from a living person). Thus TH has to make the sacrifice. SJ said he wants to share & feel everything with JS thru his donation of one eye - oneness in spirit & body.

Cinebus scene after eye laser op - SJ proposed to JS but she refused saying that her life is uncertain due to her unpredictable eye disease. However SJ was adamant saying that JS loves SJ and SJ loves JS, that's more than enough and above all else for their union in marriage.

In the scene when SJ recognised & stopped JS, TH dragged her away running. It looks to me that she really had a bad fall on the steps. Hope I'm wrong and it was not that injury which she mentioned in her interview.

It was an amusing and humourous scene where the 2 men were competing to make sphagetti for JS. And when JS says Oppa - which oppa was she addressing ???

Lastly, wud like to say that Jiwoo-si looks a natural beauty despite her very light make-up in her wedding scene in Ep 19.

My personal overall view - Sangwoo-si run the most in the show and poor Jiwoo-si has the most falls in the show.

^_^ ???