
2005.10.27 17:54

Thanks to Cose for initiating this cheer up message column. Many thanks.

To dearest Princess Jiwoo:
Congratulations to you on the completion of the movie "" Yeonriji". Once again, we have seen you putting in a lot of effort in this movie just like other dramas/movies of yours. And we believed its going to be another hit in the movie industry. We are all looking forward to the screening. Wish "Yeonriji" brings you another success in your career. Please take a good rest before starting on the Japanese drama. Your health come FIRST, okay. We support, cherish and love you always.

Love you forever,
Trulyjiwoo Singapore

To Director & Crew members:
Thanks for the effort and hard work that you all have put in for this movie. Wish it would Top the box office. Cheers,

Jiwoo Fan,
Trulyjiwoo Singapore