
2005.10.28 01:53

Gam sa ham ni da, dear Cose for giving us the opportunity to write our loving message to dear Jiwoo hime.

Dear Choi Jiwoo-ssi ...
To try our best is the closest anyone can get to perfection, and you have done your best! And that is Perfection! Know that all your hardwork is not in vain. Always remember that you are loved, even when it doesn't seem like it. Don't let anything get you down, always bounce back up! You can make the world a better place by simply making yourself a happier person. God has made you a magnificent example of love without judgement, without criticism and you give that love to others, spreading it like sunshine on rose petals ....

Please take good care of yourself and stay in health and have a restful break before you embark on your next project in Japan .... May God grant you great success in Yeonliji that it may turn into a blockbuster just like Titanic!!

Jo Han Sun - you have done well! You are the next potential rising star of your generation! When attitudes are right, all things are possible. And not forgetting all the casts who contributed to make the movie complete ...

To Mr Director and all crew members:
Sincere thanks to you for making this new movie and all the hardwork you and the crew have put in to bring it to completion and make it a success. Best wishes that it will be a box office hit in Korea and overseas!! Hip hip hooray!!

Trulyjiwoo Singapore