
2008.12.30 07:25

That movie is not funny at all! In fact, it makes her looks really stupid. What CJW needs to develop is multi-layer emotions, not just one dimensional emotional posture. I prefer her not to act cute, but take on a more mature woman demeanor.

If you have watched the recent movie by Nicole Kidman--Australia--you will know what I mean. Nicole can be both funny at one hand when seeing the kangaroo jumping beside her, but immediate became despair and fear when the kangaroo got shot. It was so spontenous and within a split seconds, you can see multi-layer of emotions in Nicole's facial expressions. I think Nicole is at her best in Australia. Am betting on her winning an Oscar for 2009.

In fact, Star's Lover may be a tipping point for CJW --whether it is the beginning of an end, or an end of the beginning of her career is hard to say. Let's wait for a few more episodes before passing any judgment. Keep the finger cross, and just hope that she does not fall pray to the typical Korean drama plots....