
2009.02.02 08:37

Dear: Yoo Ji Tae Ssi

I was so happy when Starjiwoo invited us to write letters to the Star’s Lover casts because I had been dying to do so. Thank you Starjiwoo!

I am your big fan from the U.S.A. Although I have been a fan of Korean drama for several years, I have to admit that I never heard of you until Star’s Lover. After watching episode 1 of Star’s Lover, I can’t help but falling madly in love with your acting. I started watching many of your old movies and loved your acting in Hwang Jin Yi, Old Boy, and Ditto. Although you were great in those movies, I think you certainly shine in Star’s Lover. The chemistry between Chul Soo and Mari is so intense and electrifying, the best I’ve seen in Korean drama. You and Choi Ji Woo ssi bring the best out of each other. You are probably one (if not the most) of the most talented Korean actors I’ve ever seen and you deserve more international recognition. In Star’s Lover, you give subtlety yet powerful, simple yet convincing, multi-faceted performances. How rare to see actors who possess this kind of complex and matured acting. Your expression is so captivating, enough to describe thousands of messages in which dialogue doesn’t suffice. You adjust your tone of voice and use hand gestures to emphasize your emotions. I don’t care what the rating says but you are like a precious gem! In addition to your incredible talent, I think you are one super HOT man! ^__^, I love when you smile, your eyes disappeared (it’s a compliment). Ok, I now sound like a stalker..^__^. I am surprised at myself too because I don’t usually adore an actor to the extent of writing a letter. Beside Ji Woo Ssi, you are the only male actor that I support and will continue to support.

What does Star’s Lover mean to me?
Thank you for making Star’s Lover because it has given me some lights and excitement in my otherwise mundane life. I had been disappointed in many K-dramas I watched lately until Star’s Lover. Never in my life that I wake up every Wednesday and Thursday at 5 in the morning so I can watch Star’s Lover live, even when I don’t understand the Korean language. I am so thankful to volunteers who later translated to English so people like me get to enjoy the drama even more. It’s too bad that the rating doesn’t take into account non-Korean viewers or internet viewers.

When Chul Soo and Mari were happy and in love, they put a smile on my face. All day long I had a big smile on my face and I carried it to my sleep. However, when things were rough with Chul Soo and Mari (like in episodes 15 & 16), my day seemed gloomy. If you think about it, it’s pretty amazing how much influence your acting has on someone’s life. This says a LOT about the kind of fine actor you are. Thank you for putting a smile on my face, for making me cry, and for bringing happiness into my life. For these, I am so grateful. Only 4 episodes left, I will definitely miss Chul Soo and Ma Ri a LOT 

My hope for you is that Star’s Lover will not be your last drama, but it will be your beginning. I would love to see you act in a drama again because 2 hour movie doesn’t seem long enough for me to stare at you ^__^. Although I am dying to see your theatrical performance, unfortunately I am geographically too far to be able to see in person. Perhaps one day I get to see you in a Hollywood blockbuster movie. I pray for your continued success in future endeavor. 내가 사랑

Your admirer,