
2004.08.17 21:47

Wait wait! I wasnt offering "news". I was seeking confirmation, becos I thought you gals/guy already know before me!

Firstly, about the boyfriend hoo-hah. See eve's posting of the chinese article on 12 Aug (#1916). It says that when JW went to a SBS entertainment show on 9 Aug, the MC asked her and another artiste whether they have boyfriends. JW supposedly replied "Yes!" to the surprise of all on the show. Subsequently Sidus denied that JW is attached. Since then the Soompi thread for JW has been redhot with all kinds of speculation, like f18 said.

Secondly, about the break thingy, I thought I read in the main Freeboard mentioned by Jennifer_O (I hope I remember correctly) that JW may be on break til next year. Then again, we've read she's signed up to do more ads in Japan, right? So maybe this one's not true.