천국의유혹(part1)-Fatal Invitation(part1)

조회 수 39389 2014.10.12 00:22:24

This is a fan made MV for stairways to heaven and temptation. The story is generally about Song-joo meet Se-young several years after the death of Jung-suh. Se-young is the CEO of Dongsin and looks just alike Jung-suh. Song-joo could not help to revive Jung-suh every time he sees Se-young and finally fall in love with Se-young unexpectedly. 

Sorry the video I attached here could not be played out of China. I uploaded the video on youtube now. Hope you will like it:)

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/L6ZW-uhT79s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

댓글 '1'


2014.10.12 00:31:08


anyway the link is here, I do not know why I can not embed it here

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