
2015.01.17 03:26

My beloved companion, Kim (chingu: 친구 )~^^

Someone's hearts can be read through their writings or talkings

Which mostly reflect their integrity and life they have been through ~^^

I hope and believe our dearest Choi Ji Woo will be much happier

By reading your beautiful, pure heart and very comforted and secure

In this very competitive world~^^

It is my honour and joy to see your lovely poem, radiant smile and happiness too~^^

참사랑 (Cham sarang :True love )  으로 (Erro : through or By ) : Through true love


당신( Dangshin : You )을( ul )   축복( Chookbok : Blessing ) 합니다 ( Hamida : Do )!!!^^

Whole meanings of above sentences are  ' Bless you through true love !!! ^^