05.24 Taiwan Newspaper

조회 수 19550 2004.05.24 22:59:31
(1) This is Taiwan Newspaper "STAR"

2004-05-24 /記者 魏永齡/報導          

韓劇「天國的階梯」在臺灣播得沸沸騰騰!誠俊哥與韓靜書的一舉一動,都成爲影迷關注的焦點,「天國的階梯」的走紅不但再度印證了,濃得化不開的感情戲,雖然像是一個遙不可及的夢想,卻也越能抓住觀衆的心。 韓劇好看,是因爲「有情」、「有料」,像台視播出的古裝大戲「醫道」從PART 1到PART 2,有感情戲也有醫術在其中;「天國的階梯」賣的純粹就是女人對男人的渴望的感情戲,這出超級灑狗血的愛情劇,集結了所有偶像劇的特質,俊男美女演出的組合、三角戀情糾纏不清的情節,加上車禍、失憶、後媽的介入等枝枝節節,讓這出戲增添了更多吸引影迷關注的焦點。

許多人把「天國的階梯」喻爲「冬季戀歌」的續曲,這兩出戲的基調雖然都是愛情偶像劇,在觀衆心目中産生的共鳴還是有落差,「冬季戀歌」主要是勾起影迷心目中對初戀的渴望;「天國的階梯」雖也抓住女人渴望真愛的心,但也帶給觀衆對「死亡」的另一個感觸與觀點。 如最後一幕,男主角誠俊哥抱著即將離開人世的靜書時,已哭成淚人的他,告訴靜書:「妳先走,先到妳現在要去的地方等我,等我去的時候,我們再繼續相愛。」讓原本已沒有未來的兩人,把希望寄託在「未來的天國再相遇」。

「天國的階梯」的結局,雖然有點老套,跳脫不出韓劇主角死于癌症的框框,但「它」也爲觀衆打開了一扇希望之門,讓觀衆在跟著誠俊哥一同感傷、一同飆淚時,在心底最深層處對不可知的未來,誠俊哥與靜書是否真的能在天國再續情緣,至少可以再編織一絲夢想。 「天國的階梯」這個濃得化不開的愛情故事,劇中那份遙不可及愛情夢,也是該劇最吸引人之處,每個人心底對愛情都有一份渴望,對愛情也有美夢,這份渴望與對愛情的美夢,在真實生活中,未必都能如願,「天國的階梯」中的男女主角權相宇與崔智友,勇於追求真愛,爲了愛情權相宇甚至做出「愛美人不愛江山」的決定,更是打動無數影迷的心,「天國的階梯」無疑幫許多影迷完成心底的愛情夢。

The "Stairway to heaven" have a dream to be beautiful
The Han play "Stairway to heaven" broadcast in Taiwan boil the ebullition to leap! The 車誠俊 (GSW)and 韓靜書(CJW) every action and every movement, all becomes the focal point which the fan pays attention,"Stairway to heaven" was lucky not only has verified once again, was thick sentimental play, although the picture was remote may not and the dream, actually also more could hold audience's heart. The Han play is attractive, is because "feels emotion", "is learned"

Like TTV regards the ancient costume major drama which broadcast "the medical ethics" from PART 1 to PART 2, has the sentimental play also to have the medical skill in among; "Stairway to heaven" sell purely are the woman to man's hope sentimental play, this super sprinkles the dog blood the love play, built up all idols play special characteristic, the handsome male beautiful woman performs the combination, the triangle affection hard to solve plot, the traffic accident, loses in addition recalled, stepmother's involvement and so on successively, let this play increase has attracted the focal point which the movie fan paid attention. Many people explain "Stairway to heaven" is "Winter love song" continue the tune, these two plays main key although all is the love idol play, has the sympathetic chord in the audience mind or to have the dropping variance, "Winter love song" mainly is cancels in the fan mind to the first love hope; "Stairway to heaven" although also hold the woman to long for really loves heart, but also takes to the audience to "the death" another feelings and viewpoint.

When last, the actor 車誠俊 is 韓靜書 leaves the world , has cried he, tells the 靜書: "you first go a way,..... first arrives the place which you the present must go to wait for me, waits for time which I goes, we continue to fall in love again." Will let originally not have the future two people, will repose the hope in "the future heaven meets one another again". "Stairway to heaven" result, although a little does not leave the Han play lead to die of the cancer convention,

but "it" has also opened gate of the leaf of hope for the audience, lets the audience when with the 車誠俊 is together sad, together the anabatic wind tear, in the moral nature most in-depth place to the future which cannot be known, 車誠俊 and 韓靜書 whether really can again continue love in the heaven, at least may again weave a dream.

"Stairway to heaven" this is thick the love story, in the play that remote may not and the love dream, also is this play most attracts the person place, each person moral nature all has a hope to the love, also has the fond dream to the love, this hope with to the love fond dream, in the real life, not necessarily all can like hope, "Stairway to heaven" the center male and female lead power space and Choi Ji Woo, dares to pursue really loves, even makes for the love power space "likes to look good the person does not love the landscape" the decision, Moves the innumerable fans' heart, "Stairway to heaven" help many  fans to complete the moral nature without doubt the love dream.

댓글 '9'


2004.05.24 23:20:14

제발 한국어로 해석좀해 주세요


2004.05.24 23:40:36

dear shadow,
I always thank you for posting inforamtion of STH. Much appreciated.
I read this newspaer nicely. Jiwoo's popular among all (in Taiwan)!
I can feel her popularity true to nature.
Have a nice day~ & good luck!


2004.05.25 00:29:08

Thanks, shadow!
yes, I believe CJW has a special ability to make her drama " in success ". Eventhough the story of "STH" was not good, CJW stolen people's mind and made them to believe " real love exsists in our lives " . What a wonderful job she did? That is why I am still lingering until now~ thanks again !


2004.05.25 00:53:15

해석 좀 부탁합니다.


2004.05.25 01:13:21

I am willing to share with you all~~^^
it was my pleasure ~~^^
bless you~


2004.05.25 01:53:13

Thankful for the posted article.
Jiwoo's acting in Stairway to heaven made me reassure that she
is a great actress.
Jungseo, she portrayed, took hold of my heart and still remains in me.
I hope this will be another good chance to be valued high for her in Taiwan.


2004.05.25 02:06:10

Thanks for sharing this good news from Taiwan,
In VN , STH is also popular now and some weekly magazines praised the acting skill of both CJW & KSW. Very happy with that ! Cheers...


2004.05.25 06:54:55

잘있었어요 ?
무슨 얘긴지 모르지만 천계커플 화이팅 이라는거죠? 후후후~
암튼 ..감사해요^^


2004.05.25 10:15:42

Hi Shadow,
Thank you. STH is a compelling drama because of the excellent acting oft JW and KSW which make it so !
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