그동안 설레임과 사랑을 나눠주던 '스타의 연인'이 어느덧 4회만을 남겨두고 있습니다.
우리에게 '마리'를 선물해준 지우님에게 우리가 받은 사랑과 행복을 조금이나마 나누고자 합니다.
여러분들도 기억하시겠지만..
론도때도 그랬듯이 이번에도 '리뷰북'과 '댓글북'을 준비중이랍니다.
특히 '댓글북'은 여러분의 적극적인 참여가 가장 중요합니다.
'리뷰북'도 지금 열심히 준비 중이랍니다...
그리고 여러분의 사랑을 '댓글북'에 가득가득 채워주세요...
이번엔 특별히 지우님과 너무 좋은 호흡을 보여준 '철수' 유지태님께도 댓글북을 선물할까 합니다.

댓글북에 참여하는 방법은...
누구에게 보내는 메세지인지 쓰신 후
우리가 그동안 '스타의 연인'을 보면서 느낀 감동과 기쁨,슬픔 등등...
하고 싶은 말들을 쓰시면 됩니다.
해외팬 분들도 많이 참여해 주세요...
영어나 일본어로 쓰면 저희가 번역해서 두분께 전해드릴 예정입니다.

2월 6일 금요일까지 참여해 주세요..
코멘트로 달아주세요..
여러분의 사랑을 보여주세요...


To. ジウさま
To. ジテさま


STARJIWOO families who fill with joy and happiness for "Star's Lover".
The broadcast of "Star's Lover" which give us excitement and love remain only 4 stories.
I think that we share our love and happiness which we received from
Jiwoo with Jiwoo who gave "Ma Ri" to us .
Maybe you remember...
we gave a message book to Jiwoo when she shot Rondo.
We are preparing a review book and a message book this time, too like it.
Especially, a message book is the most important your active commitment.
We are preparing a review book very hard, too.
So, please stuff the message book with your love.
And we will send a message book to "Chol su",
Yoo Ji Tae who showed harmonious play with Jiwoo.

The way to participate the message book,
First, you show whom you want to give the message to.. like
To. Ji Woo or To. Ji Tae, Next, you write your feeling about Star's Lover,
impression, pleasure, sadness etc.
You post a message you want to tell them.
I hope many foreigner fnas participate the message book.
I will give the book to Jiwoo and Jitae.

Please post your comment to 6th Feb.
If you can't post on this comment, please send your message to me by e-mail.
Please show your love.

코스(W.M) Email address = englian2002@hotmail.com

댓글 '185'


2009.02.01 23:11:34


시간이 정말 빨리 지나가는것 같네요~
스타의연인이 이젠 몇회밖에 남지 않았다니 믿어지지 않네요~
어떤 작품보다도 스타의연인에서 마리는 지우씨만의 매력이 넘쳐나는
언제나 당당하고 발랄하고 한편으론 뻔뻔하게 들이대던 마리를
그리고 함께 웃고 울었던 그런 마리를 떠나 보내야 한다니 그리고......
이젠 볼수 없다고 생각하니까 넘~슬프네요 (지우씨! 저 지금 울어요 ㅜ.ㅜ)
작품을 하실때마다 그랬지만 항상 큰 행복과 기쁨을 주셔서 감사해요^(^
스타의연인 끝나고 나면 에너지 충전■■■■■■ 100% 하셔서 좋은 작품으로
빨리 돌아오세염!!!
언제나 응원하고 사랑해염 >>------▷♡ 지우씨 화이팅!!!!!!!♡.♡



스타의 연인에서 철수라는 캐릭터로 처음 지태님의 작품을 보게 되었습니다
매력이 넘치는 배우라는걸 알게되었고 다른 작품들도 꼭 볼려구요~
스타의 연인으로 너무너무 행복했고 마리, 철수와 함께 웃고 같이 울기도 했습니다
까칠한 철수 너무 좋았어염^^( 빨간줄 치고 첨삭지도 하실거죠?^0^ )
좋은연기 보여주셔서 감사드리고 앞으로도 지켜보고 응원 할께요 화이팅!!!!



2009.02.01 23:35:47

스타의 연인에서 또 좋은 연기를 보여주어서 감사해요.
초반의 빼어난 영상과
패션쇼를 보는 듯한 아름다운 의상.여행지.빠른 화면전개등 마리의 도도한 성격-마치 로마의 휴일에서 오드리햅번인 공주가 궁전에서 탈출하여 신문기자와 테이트를 즐기는 듯한 위험을 감수하는 흥미진진한 사랑을 보는 돗하여-모두 아주 좋았습니다.
그런데 시청률에 신경을 쓰면서 조금 보통 드라마를 보는듯해졌고 첫사랑이 나오면서 많이 실망도 하였습니다.
그래도 이 부분은 배우가 할 부분이아닌 것이기에 지우님의 내면연기에 반해서 계속
수,목만 기다리며 지금까지 잘 보고 있습니다.
응원하려고 다시 스타지우에 들어왔으며 크게 화이팅 지우님! 하고 외침니다.
아니.마리님.홧팅.최고예요.아주 훌륭합니다.


2009.02.02 00:26:54

언니가 스타의 연인 통해서 연기가 새로운 수준을 올아갔어요. 다른 드라마보다 새로운 모습을 보여주셔서 감사해요.
수.목요일마다 스타의 연인을 많이 기대하고 마리와 철수가 어떻게 돼는지 너무 알고싶어요. 언니가 마리의 감정, 슬픔, 아픔 등 너무 성공하게 연출하니까 마리의 감정을 다 느낄 수 있다고요. ^^ 언니가 이마리처럼 너무 귀엽고 성실한 사람을 생각하는데요. ㅎㅎ
언니, 몸을 많이 조심하고 밥도 잘 챙겨요. ^^
끝까지 스타의 연인을 열심히 보고 우리 원하는 '해피엔딩'을 많이 기대해요! 화이팅!! ^^

프리티 지우

2009.02.02 00:40:44

To. 지우언니
지우언니...이번 스타의 연인을 통해서 언니의 새로운 매력과 아름다움이 잘 발산되어 팬으로서 정말정말 기쁩니다. ^^ 그래서 또 이렇게 마리를 떠나보내는 것이 참 아쉽네요 ㅠㅠ 하지만 우리 마리가 가고나면 또다른 멋진 지우언니가 나타나실것을 알기에~! 행복한 마음으로 끝까지 지우언니를 응원하고 스타의 연인을 응원하겠습니다. ^^ 그리고 이번엔 다음작품을 너무 오래기다리게 하지말아주세요~ ^^; 지우언니 사랑합니다.♡ 아자아자!! ^_^

To. 지태님
스타의 연인을 통해서 지태님을 재발견하였습니다. 철수는 참 매력적인 남자였지요~ㅎㅎ 그리고 철수는 지태님이 아니면 다른 배우가 생각나지 않을정도로 멋지게 연기해주셨어요! 지우언니와의 호흡도 너무 좋았던것 같구요.^^ 앞으로도 주의깊게 지켜보며 응원하겠습니다. 수고 많으셨습니다. 화이팅~!! ^^


2009.02.02 00:55:48

To dearest Jiwoo

I'm your die-hard fan from Thailand. I and my friend (Anni) hav ever written letter and given Thai handy bag to you to Olive9 (not sure if you have got it or not).

Anyway, about Star's Lover, I just want to let you know that Mari is the good decision that you chose after Air City. I really love Lee Mari! Sometimes, I can't figure out if it's Mari or Jiwoo ^^ Your acting is so good and your chemistry with Jitae is so great!!! I watched SL online every weeks though I don't know any Korean at all but I still enjoy watching without subtitle. Luckily we do have some people who love SL and know Korean explain us briefly what's going on in each episode. I really hope I'll have master with English subtitle so I can watch it marathon with deep understanding the plot. The more I know the story, the more I love Lee Mari and Chulsoo. I've watched almost all your dramas that I could find except Happiness in our heart that you played with RSW and the very old dramas. I love STH the most before but it seems SL can beat No.1 from STH but it's in case that it must end with happiness. I really wish to see Mari happy ending with Chulsoo....Pls don't break my heart with sad ending :-)

Jiwoo ssi, you are the only Korean actress/Asian actress that I admire the most. I've never felt like this before for any actor/actress. So Pls don't be sad for any rating coz rating doesn't mean good/quality drama. I'm sure if this drama will be shown in other countries, it got to be HIT! It's very very good and touching and warming drama for me. I'll always love and support all your performance forever.

To Jitae ssi,
Frankly, I never known you before, though I got to see your ex-film (one fine spring day and Hwanjinyee) but I didn't notice you coz at that time I watched the film due to lead actress. But after watching SL so far (til Ep.16), I must say that I fall in love with you. Your performance is such great. You can show your love through Mari so clearly. It make me believe you and Mari is very in love each other. Now you are in my top Korean actor that I'll follow your performance ^^ I must say you gain lots of love from Jiwoo's fan from this drama. I hope you'll have another collaborate with Jiwoo in the future. Jitae ssi Fighting!

For SL Team, Thanks for making good drama for us (foreign fans), the story, the photograph, the music score (OST) is so matching very very well. Pls know that you have big foreign fans always support for your hard work. and We love this drama a lot...SL Team Fighting!!

Love Star's Lover a lot,
LEE+ from Thailand


2009.02.02 00:59:12

To 지우님
안녕하세요 지우님
작년 12월 10일부터 시작된 스타의 연인으로 일주일에 이틀은 행복을 느꼈어요.
하지만 드라마 방송 다음날이 되면 기분이 다운이 되더군요. 시청률이 다는 아니지만 속상해하실 지우님 모습과 스연 스탭들이 생각이 났거든요.
스연을 보면서 저도 진정한 사랑을 찾고 싶다는 생각이 들었습니다. 지우님이 연기하신 이마리라는 역 지우님이 아니었다면 정말 살리기 힘든 캐릭터였어요. 전 지우님이 발랄하고 귀여우면서도 엉뚱한 캐릭터를 연기하시길 바래왔습니다. 그래서 스연 초반에 도도한 모습 외에 엉뚱하고 귀여운 모습이 나와 너무 좋았죠. 하지만 극후반부에 접어든 스연은 너무 슬픈 내용이 많아 지우님이 계속 눈물을 흘려야 하는 씬들이 많아 너무 슬펐어요. 스연 마무리를 잘하시면 잠시만 쉬시고 영화나 드라마로 얼른 컴백해 주세요. 전 일년에 드라마를 끝까지 보는게 2편도 안된답니다. 최지우님이 나오는 드라마는 제가 싫어하는 분이 나오도 참고 봤지만 다른 드라마는 그렇게 안되더라구요. 벌써 다음 작품을 말하긴 그렇지만 인터뷰에서 액션 연기에도 도전해 보고 싶으시단 얘기를 들었는데 꼭 한 번 도전을 해보셨씀 좋겠어요. 그리고 사극이나 악녀 연기를 해보셨씀해요. 너무 극단적인 드라마가 요즘 인기를 얻고 있지만 전 지우님이 출연하시고 계신 스연을 보면 정말 좋아요. "어른들의 동화"라고 부성철 감독님이 그러셨는데 동화는 동화답게 해피엔딩으로 끝나겠지요? 지우님도 얼마남지 않은 스연 촬영 행복하게 촬영 잘 마치세요. 그리고 그동안 밤샘 촬영으로 힘들었던 몸을 잘 회복하시고 맛있는 음식도 많이 드시고, 드라마 시놉시스도 열심히 봐주세요. 이번에는 너무 오래 팬들을 기다리게 안하셨씀합니다.
마지막으로 지우님이 스연에서 발레하는 모습 보여주셨는데 뻣뻣한 제가 그 모습을 보고 정말 반했는데 발레씬이 그거 하나만이라 너무 아쉬웠어요.
지우님이 오래도록 우리 곁에 배우로 남아주시고 항상 건강하시길 바랄께요.

To 유지태님

안녕하세요 유지태님
사실 전 그 유명한 올드보이를 보지도 못했어요.
제가 영화를 거의 안보거든요.
동감이란 영화도 잠시 본 거 외에는 죄송스럽게도 지태님에 대해선 그다지 알지 못했습니다.
처음 지태님이 스타의 연인에 캐스팅 되셨다는 기사를 접했을때 지우님과 잘 어울릴지 기대가 되더군요.
브라운관에서의 연기가 거의 처음이신걸로 알고 있는데 영화와는 시스템이 달라 스연 촬영하시기 힘드셨을거 같습니다. 몇날 밤을 새면서 드라마를 찍으면서 얼마나 힘들지 상상이 안가네요. 지태님 혹시 이번 드라마 성적으로 다시 브라운관으로 돌아오지 않는 건 아니시겠지요. 이번 스연으로 지태님이 맡으신 철수란 배역에 빠진 많은 사람들이 있다는 걸 기억해주셨으면 좋겠습니다. 스연에서의 철수와 마리 두 커플 정말 처음에는 투닥투닥 잘 싸웠고 갈수록 약간은 닭살스러웠고 후반부에 오니 정말 애절한 연기를 보여주었죠. 지태님과 지우님의 두분의 호흡과 연기 정말 좋았습니다.
스연으로 지태님을 알게 되어 정말 기뻤습니다.
다음 작품 기대할께요.


2009.02.02 02:02:55

코스(W.M) ...what's your email? Just ask to tell other SL Fan who don't have log in account here ^^ coz I can't find it


2009.02.02 06:08:35

Dearest Ji Woo,

I hope you're well & happy. I'm one of your avid fan from California, U.SA. I started watching Korean dramas when my brother gave me a video of Winter Sonata. WS is my very first & I totally enjoyed & loved it. I watched it several times & never got tired of it. I was very impressed by your great acting, so I started collecting your dramas & movies (DVDs). Unfortunately, I could not locate some of your older ones like "The Truth", "Message", "Sarang", "Love in Three Colors" & "War & Love". I want to thank you for choosing Star's Lover. I always wait for your new projects. Your acting in Star's Lover give me a deep love for your character Mari. I just hope that this drama will have a happy ending because we your foreign fans want Mari & Chulsoo to be together forever. True love must succeed. Don't worry about the ratings because they didn't even count us foreign fans. Star's Lover is the most watch drama in the internet. I will always support you, Ji Woo. Take care & God bless you always.
Love & prayers,

Ruthlene (your fan forever)


2009.02.02 06:28:02

Dear Ji Tae,

Welcome to the world of Ji Woo fan club. To be honest with you, I didn't know you until "Star's Lover." Your great acting & superb chemistry with our beloved Ji Woo impressed me so much that now your my #1 leading man. As you said the ratings is notl bad. That's true because the quality of the stars acting is not determined by ratings. I think the ratings in S. Korea is based on the trend of what type of drama the audience want to watch. There's a time when they were hooked on watching "period" drama which ofcourse is not my type. In the last 2 episodes 15 & 16, Star's Lover ratings went up to 9% meaning 9 million people were watching. They finally found out how good Star's Lover is especially the great acting & chemistry of Chulsoo & Mari. Star's Lover is the most watch drama in the internet. In one of the website, Star's Lover is being translated in 9 differnt languages. That's how popular it is internationally. I will surely buy the Star's Lover DVD when it comes out. I hope that Star's Lover will not be the last collaboration between you & Ji Woo. I'm hoping that you & Ji Woo collaborate in a movie project also real soon. Long live Ji Tae & Ji Woo. Your the best drama couple. Congratulations in your great acting. God bless you always.


Ruthlene (your new fan from California, U.S.A.)


2009.02.02 07:16:45

To: Jiwoo & Ji Tae,

i'm a avid fan from Philippines but i'm here at netherlands...
ur chemistry with Bae Yoong Joon are good...
but with Yoo Ji Tae are perfect with this drama...
i've been a kdrama fan for many years.. when i watched your drama i'm really hooked to it...
you at the cast made my wednesday & thursday so good...
i dont care about the ratings.... for me Star's Lover is the best...
i hope the DVD of your drama will out soon... coz i'm waiting to buy it...
i'm looking forward to you next projects....
keep it up... aja...



2009.02.02 07:37:01

Dear Ji Woo,
I am one of your fans from U.S.
I would like to say "Thank You" for all of your efforts and contributions.
Star's Lover is the No. 1 of my favorite Korean Dramas.
You and Ji Tae are the perfect match to work on this drama.
Your professional acting impressed me so much.
I'm addicted on this drama even cannot stop to watch it again and again.
I wish you the best of luck in your career.
I know I will be watching more good dramas or movies from you in the future.
My very best wishes to you,
Grace U.S.A.


2009.02.02 07:49:52

Dear CJW:

Bolt is writing this message from a conflict zone in the Middle East through a satellite PC. So, have to keep it short. Longer message will be sent via e-mail to the Web-Master when I am back to my base in Vienna, Austria which will be after 6 February 2009.

All I want to say is that I am sorry for being rude and left harsh comments on Starjiwoo from time to time. Will keep my promise to behave!!

You are great in Star's Lover and keep it up. Thank you for potraying Lee Ma Ri so convincingly.

from Gaza


2009.02.02 08:37:33

Dear: Yoo Ji Tae Ssi

I was so happy when Starjiwoo invited us to write letters to the Star’s Lover casts because I had been dying to do so. Thank you Starjiwoo!

I am your big fan from the U.S.A. Although I have been a fan of Korean drama for several years, I have to admit that I never heard of you until Star’s Lover. After watching episode 1 of Star’s Lover, I can’t help but falling madly in love with your acting. I started watching many of your old movies and loved your acting in Hwang Jin Yi, Old Boy, and Ditto. Although you were great in those movies, I think you certainly shine in Star’s Lover. The chemistry between Chul Soo and Mari is so intense and electrifying, the best I’ve seen in Korean drama. You and Choi Ji Woo ssi bring the best out of each other. You are probably one (if not the most) of the most talented Korean actors I’ve ever seen and you deserve more international recognition. In Star’s Lover, you give subtlety yet powerful, simple yet convincing, multi-faceted performances. How rare to see actors who possess this kind of complex and matured acting. Your expression is so captivating, enough to describe thousands of messages in which dialogue doesn’t suffice. You adjust your tone of voice and use hand gestures to emphasize your emotions. I don’t care what the rating says but you are like a precious gem! In addition to your incredible talent, I think you are one super HOT man! ^__^, I love when you smile, your eyes disappeared (it’s a compliment). Ok, I now sound like a stalker..^__^. I am surprised at myself too because I don’t usually adore an actor to the extent of writing a letter. Beside Ji Woo Ssi, you are the only male actor that I support and will continue to support.

What does Star’s Lover mean to me?
Thank you for making Star’s Lover because it has given me some lights and excitement in my otherwise mundane life. I had been disappointed in many K-dramas I watched lately until Star’s Lover. Never in my life that I wake up every Wednesday and Thursday at 5 in the morning so I can watch Star’s Lover live, even when I don’t understand the Korean language. I am so thankful to volunteers who later translated to English so people like me get to enjoy the drama even more. It’s too bad that the rating doesn’t take into account non-Korean viewers or internet viewers.

When Chul Soo and Mari were happy and in love, they put a smile on my face. All day long I had a big smile on my face and I carried it to my sleep. However, when things were rough with Chul Soo and Mari (like in episodes 15 & 16), my day seemed gloomy. If you think about it, it’s pretty amazing how much influence your acting has on someone’s life. This says a LOT about the kind of fine actor you are. Thank you for putting a smile on my face, for making me cry, and for bringing happiness into my life. For these, I am so grateful. Only 4 episodes left, I will definitely miss Chul Soo and Ma Ri a LOT 

My hope for you is that Star’s Lover will not be your last drama, but it will be your beginning. I would love to see you act in a drama again because 2 hour movie doesn’t seem long enough for me to stare at you ^__^. Although I am dying to see your theatrical performance, unfortunately I am geographically too far to be able to see in person. Perhaps one day I get to see you in a Hollywood blockbuster movie. I pray for your continued success in future endeavor. 내가 사랑

Your admirer,


2009.02.02 09:16:10

To. 지우님
안녕하세요^^ 하나의 작품을 완성하시고 심신이 지쳐계시지 않을까 하는 걱정이 들지만 금방 회복하시리라 믿어요. 저는 대학시절은 미드를, 그 이후로는 일드만 보고 TV는 보지 않는 편이라서 지우님에 대해서 잘 몰랐어요. 윤무곡도 한국배우가 나온다고 해서 보기 시작했었는데 장르가 저랑 맞지 않아서 보다 말았었거든요. 그런데 6개월 전 즈음 집에 굴러다니던(^^;) 빛과소금을 보게 된거예요!! 제가 원래 러브소나타에 관심이 많았었거든요. 캬~ 그때부터 팔이 안으로 굽기 시작한거죠~^^v 한드는 거의 안 보는데 스타의연인을 보리라 마음 먹었었고 결국 윤무곡도 다시 찾아서 봤어요~ 빛과소금을 읽으며 주님께 쓰임받기 시작하는 연예인이구나,, 라고 생각했어요. 화이팅이예요!! 그리구 마리 덕분에 죽어가고 있던 저의 연애세포가 다시 꿈틀거리는 것 같아요^^ 요즘 누구나가 하는 말이겠지만 완전히 지우님은 마리였어요~!! 2009년 한해도 많은 사랑을 받으시겠지만 아무도 모를 시련도 있으시겠지요. 그러나 늘 주님의 이름으로 다시 일어서시기를 기도합니다. ^^

To. 지태님
안녕하세요~ 대학시절 극장에서 본 영화 '동감'. 목소리에 반해버렸던 기억이 납니다. 그리고 또 하나 기억나는 것이 플라스틱 가방이네요~ㅎ 솔직히 그 이후로 지태님에 대한 기억은 별로 없어요, 너무 솔직했나,, 죄송해요^^;; 스연의 철수는 정말 매력적인 인물이었어요~ 너무 말끔히 연기해주셔서 스연을 볼 때마다 저 스스로가 마리가 되거나 철수가 되어버렸던 것 같아요.^^ 아름다운 작품을 만들어주셔서 감사해요~ 늘 건강하시구요, 어느 인터뷰에서 읽었는데요, 작품을 만드는데 있어서 연기 뿐 아니라 감독이라든지 다른 위치에서도 서보고 싶다고 하신 그 마음을 꼭 이루시기를 바래요^^


2009.02.02 11:01:17

TO. 지우님
최지우님 안녕하세요.  건강은 괜찮습니까?
추운 계절의 촬영으로 몸이 매우 걱정입니다.
스타의연인 너무너무 감동하고 있습니다.
이마리씨가 매우 사랑스러워서 그리고
안타까워서 마음으로 떨어지지 않습니다
이마리씨가 행복해지면 좋은데라고 생각합니다.
이렇게 좋은 작품으로 사랑과 안타까움을
느끼게 해 주셔 진심으로 감사하고 있습니다.
저는 많은 노력을 하신 최지우님의 연기를 아주 좋아합니다.
표정이 매우 따뜻해서 행복을 느낍니다.
최지우님 사랑합니다. 쭉 팬으로 있습니다.
나머지의 촬영도 건강에 조심해서 힘내세요.
최지우님 건강하고 행복하세요.


2009.02.02 11:14:25

To jiwoo,

Greetings from Malaysia !

Me too, like most fans here have been following all your dramas that we could get hold off. I started off with Winter Sonata and later managed to catch up on some of your old dramas as well. Star's Lover has become one of my favorites as well. I also watch it 'live' on Wed and Thurs when it airs in Korea, yes, not understanding the Korean language. Hop e to see you in more dramas.

To Ji Tae,


It is through Star's Lover that I know you. I've never seen any of your works. Shame on me ! Thank you for potraying Chul Soo so well. I'm totally hooked on Star's Lover and look forward to each Wed and Thurs to watch 'live' even not understanding. I hope to see you and Ji Woo collaborate again in future.

Grace, Malaysia


2009.02.02 11:26:24

Dear: Yoo Ji Tae

I hope you didn’t regret taking Kim Chul Soo’s role in Star’s Lover because I think this is your best acting work thus far. Thank you for giving us such an exceptional performance, making Chul Soo’s character so real and alive. Many times you made me believe in the emotional connection that Chul Soo had with Ma Ri. You and Choi Ji Woo had to be the BEST on screen couple ever! There’s no question that you are talented, intelligent, down-to-earth, and not to mention so good looking. Sigh.. I know that you are dating Kim Hyo Jin but will you marry me? ^__^

Your avid fan,


2009.02.02 13:45:34

亲爱的ji woo和Ji Tae,
我是ji woo的中国粉丝,我喜欢jiwoo已经好多年了。我们这些中国funs永远喜欢你,支持你,默默祝福你,过去是,现在是,将来也是。这次看了《明星的恋人》,触动了我们久违的感动与泪水,两位的合作带给了我们太多的心动和感动,在我们的中国论坛上,大家守候在电脑前准时收看直播,两位知道吗?大多数人不懂韩语,但仍然在看直播,当然包括我自己。看完直播大家就在论坛畅所欲言,深夜三点都不愿离去。大家谈两位的合作太精彩了,两位的演技太棒了,感谢两位的倾情奉献。当我们得知大家的辛苦拍摄时,我们心痛,我们感动。两位的初次合作实在是太棒了,太有默契了,非常自然,我们期待两位的再次合作。今年是中国的牛年,祝愿ji woo和Ji Tae在牛年身体牛,工作牛,一切都牛!


2009.02.02 14:37:35

Greeting from Canada!
Ever since Stairway to heaven Choi ji woo has amazed me with her acting skills and kind heart. Star's lover is my favorite one yet! Choi ji woo is one of my favorite actresses and because of Star's lover, I have not been able to watch American Television since it aired. haha

Choi ji woo and Yoo Ji Tae are one of the best actors/actresses in the industry. The chemistry that Chul Soo and Ma Ri share is sizzling! It's because of this drama that Yoo Ji Tae is on one of my lists of favorite actors.

I wish Choi ji woo and Yoo Ji Tae all the best!



2009.02.02 14:59:36

항상 겨울이 되고, 날이 추워지면,유독 언니의 모습이 너무너무 그리워져요.그래서 2008년 12월의 겨울은 너무나 행복했어요. 벌써 2월이 되고 '스타의연인'은 종방을 눈앞에 두고 있네요.감성적인 드라마가 필요할 시기에, 빛과 소금이 되어준 '스타의연인'^^ 많은 사람들의 사랑과 언니를 향한 칭찬들이 정말 드라마 시작부터끝까지 팬인 저 조차도 뿌듯해질 만큼 행복하게 해줬어요.추위에도 정말 늘 열심히 해주었던 언니, 그리고 너무나 사랑하는 "이마리". 저는 벌써 다음작품의 언니를 기다리고 있답니다:) 오~래 기다리게 하지 마시고, 더욱더 멋~~진 역할로 돌아와 주세요.지난 시간, 스타의 연인을 촬영하면서 너무너무 고생 많으셨고, 언니가 연기했던 이마리. 잊지 못할꺼예요. 너무너무 고마워요. 이마리..그리고 지우언니, 너무너무고마워요. 늘 뒤에서 응원할께요. 언니 사랑해염~^^*


2009.02.02 15:09:32

안녕하세요. 예전 제가 어린 나이에 몰래 친구들과 봤던 주유소습격사건의 색노란 머리의 오빠와 동감,올드보이의 우진이까지.사실 배우 유지태를 잘 알진 못했지만, 지금 생각해보면, 오빠가 나온 대표작품들은 빼놓지 않고 봤네요. 하지만, 그 어떤 작품보다, 그 어떤 캐릭터보다 오빠에게 스타의 연인의 '김철수'는 너무나 완벽했고, 어울렸어요. 정말 드라마가 끝나가는 이시점엔 이 역할을 오빠가 아니였음 누가 해야하나 싶을 정도로 높은 연기력을 보여주셨어요. 그래서 드라마를 보는 내내, 철수와 마리가 더없이 예쁘고, 사랑스럽고..또 안쓰럽고 슬프고 했어요. 그 뛰어난 연기력과,연기에 대한 애정. 그리고 목소리. 너무나 멋져요. 지난 시간, 김철수라는 이름 만으로도 참 멋지고,좋은 시간들이였어요. 고맙습니다


2009.02.02 15:13:41

I couldn't understand what do you want to??
Anyway my E-mail is Englian2002@hotmail.com.
Please ask everything what you want ^^


2009.02.02 15:19:35

Dear Ji Woo,

You have been my favorite actress since Winter Sonata. You just amazed me with your great acting, winning all those awards, wow. I'm grateful that you took Star's Lover as your most recent drama. You look very lovely as always. Star's Lover is now my most favorite drama. I love your chemistry with Yoo Ji Tae. You work very hard. Take care of yourself & please don't get sick again. I hope SL will have a very happy ending for Mari & Chulsoo. Star's lover is well received by your international fan like me. You got my vote for being the best actress in Asia.
Kelly from U.S.A.

Hello, Ji Tae. I'm glad you choose to act in Star's Lover. Your acting & superb chemistry with Ji Woo are making me fall in love with Chulsoo & Mari. I should say Star's Lover is the greatest drama I have seen for the year 2008 & 2009. Great job. You just gain another fan, me.
Star's Lover fighting.....
Kelly (a fan from U.S.A)


2009.02.02 15:57:18

Ji-woo and Ji-tae:
  祝每天都有綠色好心情!(Green mood)

  我是Ji-woo的中國fan。雖然電視經常播出Ji-woo的劇集,但是就那樣毫無道理地一直沒有看,Ji-woo在之前印象中就是一位很紅的TOP演員。直到無意中點開了《Star Lover》,當時已經播出3集了,那種感覺六個字,入眼、入腦、入心--不論是《Star Lover》的故事情節,還是Ji-woo、Ji-Tae的表演。
  於是,就這樣不自覺的成了Ji-woo的fan,很不可思議,很幸福的感覺。於是,每周三、周四晚21點(China Time)收看《Star Lover》成了最期待的事情。

delinnia H

2009.02.02 16:21:14

Dear Ms Ji Woo,
I'd like to congratulate for the success of your new drama Star's Lover. You are very beautiful. your performance is excellent and you acted in a very matured and relaxed form in this drama. I feel like I'm watching your other drama Mr Duke again. I believe that Star's Lover will get a good viewer response when it goes to Japan and other Asian countries.
Please keep up with your good health and looking forward to hearing your sweet voice in much anticipated Winter Sonata animation soon.
Happy Lunar New Year to you and family.

With best wishes,


2009.02.02 16:23:42

누나 안녕하세요! 요샌 스타의연인 보느라구 일주일이 즐거워요~
월화는 재방보구.. 수목은 본방보구 금,주말에는 역시 재방송보면서
본방을 기다려요~ 역시 언제나 누나 연기는 볼때마다 감동이예요 !!!
아 이제 몇회 안남았다고 생각하니까 아쉽기도하고...다음에는 어떤 작품으로
돌아오실까 기대도 하고있어요~ 이제 날씨도 좀 풀리는거 같지만 혹시 모르니
건강도 생각하시면서 촬영하세요 누나 ! 그리고 언제나 응원하고 있을께요 화이팅^^

안녕하세요~ 이번에 제가 좋아하는 두분이 드라마를 찍다니 너무 좋았어요
맨날 영화로만 보다가 이번에는 드라마로 보게 되어서 너무 좋아요!!
철수역이 너무 잘어울리는거 같았어요 몇회 남지는 않았지만 힘내시구요!
앞으로도 좋은 작품으로 자주자주 나오셨으면 좋겠어요! 화이팅^^


2009.02.02 17:23:12

Greeting from Bangkok Thailand

Dearest Jiwoo
First of all I've to thank Starjiwoo to open this opportunity for us to write a message to you and also Jitae which I'm sure that it will reach you. Star's Lover your latest work !!! what to say I'm so very very very love it. I can call I'm so crazy about this drama. Love everything story/picture/music and songs. Your acting as Lee Ma Ri is superb. I fell in love with this character from the very beginning. May be it's remind me about you. Mari is so beautiful / cute / funny very lovely and so very fashionable with style. You and Jitae chemistry in Star's Lover is really great than ever. I watched so many of your dramas so many actors pair up with you I love them all but this time I've to say "You two are The Best Couple for me" Your chemistry between each other is PERFECT. Every time I see you two together on screen I feel so happy when you guys apart I'm sad too. I'm praying everyday for a very happy ending of this drama ( I think it will be right ? ). I'm so very glad and happy that you choose this project. So sorry to make you a hard time every time you've to choose new project. Just to let you know that this one is really a right and correct choice. Please don't feel sad or feel disappoint even the rating not as expected but it's not mean that Star's Lover is not a good quality drama. To me I can only say that now if I've to choose one from your drama to be my most favorite..I'm gonna pick Star's Lover. Please take good care of yourself and be proud to be love from fans all around Asia. We are happy as long as you happy. Jiwoo's fighting. Love you and you will have my fully support in everything you do.
Wishing you all the BEST

Dearest Jitae

Thank you Thank you for you to choosing this project. I'm so very touching and really love your Kim Chul Soo character. You're such a great actor. Your acting is superb so great !!!! I'm enjoy every moment between Mari and Chulsoo. Your chemistry with our Lovely Jiwoo is undeniable so great than any other actors. You know now you're no.1 for me to choose for perfect match for Jiwoo's partner. To be honest before Star's Lover I don't know you. But don't be sad because I'm new to K- Movie not because you're not popular….but from now on. I'm your new fans and I'm so very sure that you gain more fan especially Jiwoo's fan will have space and our heart for you hee hee coz you are just perfect . I hope you and Jiwoo will have another new project together (may be Movie) in future coz both of you're so perfect to each other. I still can't imagine how can you erase my memory of other actors that pair up with Jiwoo before ?….great work indeed. I hope and pray for a very happy ending of Star's Lover…Jitae Fighting and you'll have my fully support.
Wishing you all the BEST
Anni ( from Bangkok Thailand )


2009.02.02 18:23:46

Dear Ji Woo
I am a fan from China.I watched Stairway to Heaven by coincidence and I was quite impressed with you, then I fell in love with you deeply until now and will continue in the future.In my heart, you are my princess. Many people in China are full of enthusiasm as well as I do to support you and love you. Your new drama,Star's Lover,I am very fond of it. Lee Mari is a very lovely role,just like you in my heart.
I will continute to love you.I hope you can take care of yourself during working.We do not ask you for very hard working and show us more drama. As long as you work happy,I am satisfied. But we just don't want you to be the"Disappeared persons".
At last,Happy new year and best wishes to you and your family.
I will always love you.



2009.02.02 19:15:25

Dear Ji Woo,
i am very impressed by your acting in Star Lover and deep in love with it. Mari is as beautiful and lovely as you have always been. There is a long period that no drama can keep my sense to wait for it every sec. I ever can think of your acting in my examination. I am sure Star Lover will have great success all over the world especially in Asia because I can discuss the detail with the fans of Star Lover just after the live of the drama in SBS. Although I haven’t learned Korean before, I can’t miss the chance to see your acting and the follow story at once. Please take care of yourself; I will support your drama as usual and looking forward to meet you in Korea very soon. ^u^
P.S. You are always my favorite actress since the drama of ‘Mr Duke’.

With best wishes,
Hong Kong


2009.02.02 19:42:22

Hi 코스(W.M)
I ask your email in case of many people can't post message to Jiwoo/Jitae here so if we know your email, we can send directly to your email. I'll tell my friends then about your email to send support from us to Jiwoo and Jitae and SL Team ^^

Would be please if you show us when this project finished! Love to see JIwoo and Jitae smile after receiving it ^^

Thanks for making good project for us to show how much we love SL


2009.02.02 20:10:52

Dear Ms Choi Ji woo,
I've been a fan of yours since Winter Sonata. Since then, I've been collecting most of your dramas on DVDs and CDs. I also started watching you online in Star's Lover since the show began. I must say this drama has showcased your acting talent at its best. You seem more matured, more confident and self-assured that Lee Mari comes to life so naturally and so realistically. More importantly, the message you are trying to tell in this drama is so important to the entertainment industry. With so many unnecessary suicides among young actors and actresses, your depiction of the sometimes ugly side of the industry will shed light on the price of fame. It should not be that way and there should be a stop to unscrupulous practices by artiste management companies. I salute you and Mr Yoo Ji tae for doing this drama.

The love story of Kim Chulsoo and Lee Mari also shows the world how difficult it must be for a famous actress to have a normal life, to love and be loved. It takes a lot of personal inner strength and support from family and friends. I hope that you are blssed by an abundance of love in your own life.. The hours of pleasure your dramas and movies have provided me is a constant reminder of how important it is to do something you love and to do it well. May fame and fortune shine bright, may you find happiness in life and may all your fondest dreams come true.

Best wishes from your fan in Malaysia,

Dear Mr Yoo Ji tae,
I have only just gotten to know you as Kim Chul soo in Star's Lover and I am already in love with your acting. As an ardent fan of Winter Sonata, you are a breath of fresh air as Chulsoo. Now women can wake up from their dream of the "ideal" man to find that he could very well be the hardworking fella who just might happen to be teaching at their university. The way your Kim Chul soo loves of Lee mari takes my breath away and makes my heart ache so much that I too want a man to love me like he does. You bring an intelligence to the character of Chulsoo yet there is that hint of danger, a rawness of emotions and earthiness about him that I'm sure comes directly from your own person. You have been Korea's well kept secret and because of Choi Ji woo, we can now share in your considerable charms and superb talents. If it were not for Choi Ji woo, I would not have come to love Korean dramas and because of her we can now welcome you to the world. May Star's Lover bring forth the second wave of Hallyu with you and Jiwoo riding the crest. .

Best wishes from your fan in Malaysia,


2009.02.02 20:12:54

시작의 설레임이 채 가시지도 않았는데.. 어느덧..마지막을 이야기 하고 있네요..
지우님이 멜로드라마의 세계를 잠시 떠나있을때.. 가슴찡하고..절절한 러브스토리를 못내 그리워하며.. 멜로의 여왕 컴백을 손꼽아 기다리던 그 순간이 기억나네요..
기다림이 때론 지루하기도 하고.. 그립기도 하고.. 설레이기도 했던 그 때..
지우님의 컴백을 알리는 신호탄은 정말 신나고 반가운 일이었답니다.
이제 조금후면 당분간은 다시 그때로 돌아가겠지만.. 이번에 보여주신.. 가슴뜨거운
러브스토리로 한동안은 참고 기다릴수 있을만큼 아름다운 드라마였어요..
지우님이 한작품 한작품 할때마다 함께 즐거워하고..함께 마음 조리기도 하고...
함께 이야기를 나눌수 있는 그 많은 팬들중에.. 저도 한명이라는 것이 자랑스럽습니다.

앞으로도 `최지우`라는 아름다운 사람을 오랜시간 제 작은 마음속에 가득 채워 두렵니다.
지우님도 늘 기억해주세요..
당신을 사랑하는 수많은 아름다운 사람이 늘 함께 하고 있음을.................^^


2009.02.02 21:09:36

TO 지우님
일본에서 ’스타의 연인’이 방송되기 전에 한국의 방송을 보고 웃거나 눈물을 흘리거나 하고 있습니다!
전반은 이마리가 스타로서 활동하고 있는 장면이 많기 때문에 빛나고 있는 것은 당연합니다만 제6회의 철수 집에서 조금은 아이 같은 행동의 이마리도 너무 사랑스러워서, 그리고 재미있어서 몇번이나 보고 있습니다. ^^
회가 진행되는 것에 따라 안타까운 장면이 많아졌습니다만 지우히메 표정의 연기는 항상 그렇지만 훌륭해서 감동하고 있습니다! 항상 그 자리면에 맞춘 표정이 되므로 자꾸자꾸 끌어 들여집니다.
촬영도 머지 않아 끝난다고 생각합니다만 완전하게 이마리 되어 있는 지우히메이기 때문에 이대로 끝까지 이마리로서 돌진해 주세요.
한국에서의 방송이 끝나면 일본에서 ’스타의 연인’의 방송이 시작됩니다만 또 이마리의, 그리고 지우히메가 새로운 곳을 찾아내려고 합니다.
우리를 행복한 기분으로 만들어 받아서 대단히 감사합니다.
앞으로도, 지우히메를 그리고 ’스타의 연인’을 열심히 응원하고 있습니다!!!
건강에 유의하시고 잘 지내세요! 화이팅!! 

Moon Hye

2009.02.02 22:28:27

To 지우언니.
하이^^ 지우언니,옛날에 드라마 "아름다운 날들" 봤을때...그때부터...저는 언니 팬이돼었어요...ㅋㅋ
언니를 나온 작품들...항상 기대 하고 있어요...요즘 "스타의 연인"도 재미게 봤어요...^^ 언니 멋진 연기때문에..."이마리" 이 역을 정말 사랑스러워요!!! 드라마에 빠질것 같네요...ㅋㅋ so 언니에게... 너무 감사합니다 ...^^
이젠...종영까지 4회만 남습니다 ㅠㅠ 언니 끝까지 회이팅~~~
그리구 앞으로 많은 활동 바랄께요... 언제나 중국 어느 곳에... 응원합니다 !!!
P.S 언니 ~ 이번 드라마 끝났 후에 스타지우에 글을 남겨주세요 ^^ 부탁해요...ㅠ
2009년은...행복한 일만 가득하시길 바래요 !!!!

Vani (From CHINA)


To 지태오빠.
안녕하세요^^ 지태님 ....(지태오빠 부르면도 돼까요?? ^^;)
저는 오빠 드라마 첫 봤어요 ~~ ㅋㅋ사실 오빠 첫 봤을때...영화 "동감" 이네요 ....
"스타의 연인"을 통해... 오빠 멋진 연기를 또 다시 볼수있어서 너무 기뻐요..ㅋㅋ
그래서 요즘 오빠 영화 작품들 보고있어요 ...!!!
그리고 매주 수,묵만 기다리고있어서...너무 행북해요...^^ 철수를 진짜 매력적인 남자에요!!! ㅋㅋ 오빠덕분에 드라마 정말 잘 봤어요 ... 이젠 4부 남기다... 꼭 힘내세요 ~~ ^^ 앞으로도 멋진 드라마 기대합니다 ~!!!! 늘 응원할게요 ~~~ *^^*
P.S "스연" 볼때 오빠 표정.. 묵소리...정말 무지 무지 좋아해요 ~♡
또 스연캘에 글을 올려주세요 ... 부탁합니다 ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ
2009년은...행복한 일만 가득하시길 바래요 !!!!

Vani (From CHINA)


2009.02.02 22:39:11

Dear Ji Woo and Ji Tae,

Absolutely love Star's Lover...one of the few Korean dramas that really catch my attention recently...

Both of you acted really well in this series and have great chemistry...I'm now a fan of Yoo Ji Tae...

Choi Ji Woo's acting also has improved a lot and this is your best drama ever despite the rating in Korea

Hope to see a happy ending for Mari & Chul Soo

Star's Lover fighting!!

Best Wishes
Ur fan from Malaysia


2009.02.02 22:42:03

Dear Ji Woo,

I'm your die-hard fan!!!!!!!!By chance, I saw Star’s Lover, I like your Mary, Really very lovely and beautiful♡W♡.So once again I look at the Winter Sonata, AirCity, etc., Really very good! The February 4, I go to Korea in Tourism. Heard to your store in the February 27 Opening .What a Regret!!!!!!!!!!!I can not catch up because I had already returned Back to State.T0T But, As long as have a chance in the future I will go. JiWoo you are my favorite actress Forever, I will always support your Ji woo, Forever This is the Unchanged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^0^

With best wishes, ^u^
LeeYing From China


2009.02.02 23:41:05

To Ji Woo:

I am a fan from Taiwan ~ ~ ~ ~ from December 10, 2008 onwards, every week I waited in front of the computer viewing this adult fairy tale, I am glad to see you in a perfect interpretation of a mischievous, lovely Mari, thank you giving me a good memory, I Love You, Forever ..............

* * * * * * * * 

To Ji Tae:

I am a fan from Taiwan, because this drama to know you, you look just like the protagonist -"Chulsoo", like the warmth, please continue to love our "Mari", do not turn away ~ ~ For your acting and really love our Mari with applause, thank you for giving me a good memory, support you!


2009.02.02 23:47:00

あずみ は 02年から いつも 姫に関心をもっていますね!
姫は<冬のソナタ>の中に 本当に かわいいですね!

あずみはぜひ ひめが見るに行きます。



2009.02.02 23:57:36

Dearest ji woo,

I've been one of your die-hard fans from China since Winter Sonata.^^ In the past days, I could hardly imagine that I'm so attached to an actress thousands of miles away . But the truth is you've made it, I'm deeply impressed by your excellent acting skills as well as your personality charm. You're a beautiful angel in my eyes~~~~~~^0^
Needless to say, I've seen your new drama Star's Lover and I'm obsessed with it very much.!!!!!!!!!I like your Lee Mary, so charming, gorgeous and elegant!!!!!
The chemistry between you and Ji Tae is beyond my expectation, very great indeed ^0^
Please don't care much about the ratings. Star's Lover is really fantastic and of high quality. It doesn't necessarily follow that a high rating means a good drama!!!!! I was awfully sorry to hear that you got sick several days ago; Please take good care of yourself, my angel ^0^ I'll support you as always and pray for you in the distance! ^u^

May happiness and joy around you and always
Ur fan from China


2009.02.03 00:30:28

촬영, 순조롭게 진행되고 있는 일이라고 생각합니다.
마지막에 가까워지는 것에 따라, 어려운 스케줄이 되어 있겠지만, 부디, 신체에 조심해 주세요.
「스타의 연인」은, 지우공주의 매력, 모두가 느껴져 지금까지의 지우공주의 집대성과 같은 생각이 듭니다.
정말로, 저희들 팬에게의 멋진 선물!!
지우공주의, 여성으로서의 행복을 언제나 기원하고 있습니다.

처음 뵙겠습니다.
정직, 지테님을 보는 것은 처음입니다.
지우공주가 작게 보였던 것도 처음입니다^^
이마리를 어부바 하는 씬을 좋아합니다.
지테님의, 눈의 연기가 훌륭하다고 생각합니다.인터뷰도 이지적이고 좋아합니다.
앞으로도, 드라마 노력해 주세요.


2009.02.03 00:36:33

To.지우님 To.지태님
日本のnandeです。スターの恋人の素敵なシーンを見ながら毎回見てる韓国のファンの皆さんがうらやましく思っていました。いよいよ最終回が近くなると次は海外での放映も近くなります、早く지우님 さん、지태님さんの初の素敵な競演が見られる日を日本で楽しみに待っています、世界中でドラマ楽しみにしていることを忘れないでください。ファイティーン 「スターの恋人」


2009.02.03 00:44:14

To Ji woo
中國◎上海(Shanghai)保守估計大約有一半以上的女性正在通過網絡追看Star lover
我們熱愛ji woo塑造的MARI,喜歡她的笑容,心疼她的眼淚,訢賞她主動追求愛情的勇氣,非常非常美好的角色!比在HEAVEN中的悲情角色更能深入我心,縯技有很大進步噢!請一直,始終,永遠,健康快樂倖福的生活! ^^
To Ji tae
從《OLD BOY》開始認識你,非常華麗的縯技,看了幾乎所有你縯出的作品,似乎每個角色都滲入了你的骨血,于是下一次縯出總比上一次更富有層次,崇拜!正在熱切期盼《純情漫畫》出中文版噢!快點來中國上海宣傳吧~快點來吧~!!!
To S.L.
請無視收視率吧!謝謝劇組拍出這樣值得珍藏的電視劇,感動于它的畫面、音樂和對白,感動于哲秀和MARI真摯單純的愛情,請繼續加油! ^^


2009.02.03 00:56:46

TO.이 세상에 하나밖에 없는 나의 스타 지우씨

마리에게 푹 빠져 지내는 이시간이 행복합니다..
4회남았다는 것이 이렇게 아쉽고 슬픈지...
마리를 붙잡고 싶어요^^보내고 싶지않네요!!!
하지만 또 다른 모습으로 이름으로 돌아올 지우씨를
놔드려야겠지용...지우씨 정말 행복했어요^*^
아프지마시고 늘 행복하시길..기도할게염~~라뷰~~

스타의연인으로 만난 철수 까칠하지만
미워 할수없는 사람..마리의 마음을 빼앗은...행운의남자
지태님 작품 꼭 챙겨볼게염~~늘 행복하시길^*^


2009.02.03 00:58:18

dear jiwoo
i'm one of your big fan from china~~
You must be very busy in your new drama now. i just want to say ,i love 'star's lover' so much. Lee mari is such a lovely and brave girl who moves me a lot.i even prefer her than your other dramas,hehe.

Don 't worry too much about the ratings. we can see your excellent skiils and how much efforts you've ever made.

wish you happy everyday and happy new year!!! Take care~~~~


2009.02.03 00:59:12

To my lovely Jiwoo,
What more i can said about you?.I'm your fan since winter sonata.Most of my friend fall in love with man lead in WS,but i fall in love with you.You are my main attraction in korea .I watched almost all your movie and drama.I notice you are strong person and never- say-die kind a girl,that why i love you.
Star's Lover!i really love it.OMG i can't wait to watched it every Wednesday and Thursday.My life feel empty without Star's Lover.Your chemistry with jitae is soooo marvelous.Love "yeom" couple.I can't find any other actress that can fit Lee Mari role except Choi Ji woo.Applaud!!You done it well!!Love it!!
Jiwoo,Please take care of yourself ,cause we really care about you..
Time may come and go but jiwoo will forever stay in my heart.
"Sarang Heyo"
Jiwoo Fighting!!!

To Yoo Ji tae.
Why you so charming? ,aigoo!! i love all Jiwoo leading man but you beat them all.Your acting...omo what can i say..far from my expectation..too perfect!.Applaud!!!!Applaud!!
Through jiwoo and star's lover i knew you.I'm satisfied.I hope both of you can collaborate again."Yeom couple" are too perfect.
I said this a lot to jiwoo but i will say it to you too.
"Sarang Heyo"
Jitae Fighting!!

from Malaysia with love.

Jasmine Wong

2009.02.03 01:30:51

Dear Jiwoo
I am a big fan of yours from China. I love all your dramas, but I love "Star's Lover" most. You are not only pretty, your acting is even better than before. The emotion you express is so real that it touches my heart. It is a very beautiful love story. (I hope no sad ending.) You and Ji Tae make a great couple, you two have very good chemistry, even better than the other good actors you have worked with! I hope you two can work together again. Star's Lover has many fans in China. Please come to this popular website for commentary on Korean drama 韩剧社区 » 『韩剧讨论区』at http://www.krdrama.com/bbs/ . You will see many many posts on Star's Lover【2008SBS】【明星的恋人】. Some fans are even writing their own different screenplay for Star's Lover! Please keep up with your good acting, China fans love you! 加油!

Dear Jitae

I did not really know you before, but I am now your fan after seeing Star's Lover. I have now seen some of your movies too. You are really very talented and your acting is so good! And China female fans think you are cute too, hehe. Hope you can act with our Jiwoo again, because your chemistry is very good.加油!

SL fan from China,


2009.02.03 02:25:38

Dear Jiwoo ssi,

Started to search for your dramas both DVD and online....after seeing your performance in the "Winter Sonata" that you acted with so much true feelings.
Your portrayal of Yujin being lso loyal and true to her first love was so touching and impressive...I love to see you acting in so many roles (from "Truth", "Beautiful Days", "Winter Sonata", "Stairway to Heaven" ) as a nice and lovely young lady devoted to true love. The true feelings are so much impressive and your acting skills were polished and mature from one drama to another. Other roles in "Rondo" and "Air City" are also lovely that we're always longing for new TV dramas or movies from you !!!
We like the way you acted for weeping and crying faces too because you're so pretty and touching among these scenes...and the more, we love your role of "Lee Mari", after "Yujin" in our minds...that you're so true and lovely to your love and feelings ...we really wish "Star lover"every success in the coming screenings in Japan and other countries. We understand that it was already widely appraised and viewed in China, and other south-east asian countries.

Lastly, we pray that Jiwoo ssi a good health, and success in "Star Lover", coming animated "Winter Sonata" and to have a true love in your real life.
Happiness and a true self at all times !!!

From Toronto

Susan Chan

2009.02.03 02:37:19

Dear Ji Woo,

I became your avid fan after watching Winter Sonata many years ago. It was my very first Korean drama and since then I've watched countless other Korean dramas. Although there are other Korean actresses whom I love to watch as well but you will always hold a special place in my heart that no other actresses can ever replace. I have bought most of your dramas and movies and will continue to do so in future.

Your acting has really matured and I love your portrayal of the character Lee Mari in Star's Lover. Your chemistry with the lead actor, Yoo Ji Tae, is so convincing that I have a hard time telling myself this is only a drama and not the real thing. Please do not be discouraged by the low ratings in Korea, as ratings do not truly reflect the quality of a drama. There are many international fans like me who love this drama a lot and wait patiently every Wed and Thurs to watch this drama online. Star's Lover is now officially my most favorite Ji Woo's drama, thanks to you and Yoo Ji Tae's awesome acting. Hope that you and Yoo Ji Tae can collaborate in another project again. Ji Woo fighting! Star's Lover fighting!

To Ji Tae,

To be honest, I have never seen any of your movies before. I only got to know about you and your talented and heartfelt acting through the drama Star's Lover. Your portrayal of the character Kim Chul Soo is really spot-on. I do not think I will love this drama so much if another actor other than you plays Kim Chul Soo. I hope Star's Lover will not be your first and last drama, as I can't seem to get enough of your acting. Through this wonderful drama Star's Lover, you have gained another international fan. Will definitely start looking for your old movies to watch.

It saddens me greatly to know that Star's Lover will be coming to an end soon and I will not be able to watch the beautiful and heartbreaking love story of Kim Chul Soo and Lee Mari anymore. I'm keeping my finger (and toes) crossed that Chul Soo and Mari will end up happily together in the final episode after all the heartaches they both went through. Hope that you and Ji Woo can collaborate again in another project as your on-screen chemistry is the best that I have seen so far!

My very best wishes to both of you,
Susan from Malaysia


2009.02.03 03:59:45

Dear: Choi Ji Woo Ssi

I am your biggest fan from the U.S.A. I've been following your work for a number of years since Winter Sonata. Although Winter Sonata was not my first Korean drama (2nd one), through Winter Sonata I started watching other Korean dramas. I watched all of your dramas and movies since then and fell in love with you. Had not been you, I probably would not know much about Korea. So thank you for introducing the Korean culture, language, and country to me. For this, you should be proud of yourself. You are a great actress and I admire you in so many ways. Not only you are talented and gorgeous but you also have a big heart /compassion for others. Although you were great in your other dramas, you are spectacular in Star's Lover. I've seen you grown so much in acting. I know you work hard and it's shown because Star's Lover is your best work. Your ballet scene was unbelievable that you can bend your body like that. Very attractive!
I am so happy that you took this role as Lee Ma Ri because I can't think of anyone else who is better suited for this role. Further, to partner with Yoo Ji tae was also a great choice because your on-screen chemistry with him is amazing. The best couple I've ever seen in a Korean drama!. I would love to see you collaborate with Yoo Ji Tae again in the future. Please do what makes you happy even if it means that you have to choose a project that may not be so popular at the moment.. Happiness comes from inside out. I hope you find joy in your personal life as well. I have loved and supported you and will continue to do so. God bless you.

With much Love,
Translated version using Google (I am sorry if it doesn’t make sense at all)
친애하는 : 최지우 SSI

나는 미국에서 가장 큰 팬이 내가 겨울 연가 이후 년간의 전화 번호를 귀하의 업무를 주시해 왔습니다. 비록 겨울 연가 겨울 연가를 통해 다른 한국 드라마를 시청하기 시작 내 최초의 한국 드라마 (제 2 회 한), 아니었다. 나는 당신의 모든 드라마와 영화를 본 후 사랑에 당신과 함께 떨어졌다. 당신이 없었 더라면, 아마도 한국에 대해 많이 알지 못해요. 따라서 한국의 문화, 언어 도입에 대한 감사와 국가를 내게합니다. 이를 위해서는, 당신은 스스로를 자랑스러워해야한다. 넌 훌륭한 배우가되고 난 이렇게 많은 방법으로 당신을 존경합니다. 뿐만 아니라 재능과 화려하지만 당신은 큰 심장을 가지고있다 / 타인에 대한 연민. 비록 당신이 다른 드라마에 큰 였다면, 당신은 스타의 애인에 탁월합니다. 나는 당신 행동에 너무 많은 성장을 본 적이있습니다. 내가 열심히 공부해서 알고 있기 때문에 그것을 표시 스타의 애인이 당신의 가장 중요한 작업입니다. 귀하의 발레 장면을 그런식으로 몸을 다스릴 수 믿기지가 않았어요. 아주 매력적인!
난 내가 누구 때문에이 역할에 더 적합하다 생각하지 않을 수있는 다른 사람이 당신이이 역할을했다 리 엄마 소리로 행복하다. 때문에 그와 함께 - 화면 화학에 놀라워 유 지태 추가, 파트너도 훌륭한 선택이었다. 내가 한국의 드라마에서 봤던 것 중에 최고의 커플!. 내가 나중에 다시 유 지태와 협업을보고 싶군요. 제발 무엇을 당신을 행복하게 할 경우에도 당신의 그 순간에 그렇게되지 않을 수도있습니다 .. 인기있는 프로젝트를 선택할 수있다는 뜻 행복은 내부에서 온다. 나는 당신의 개인적인 삶에 즐거움을 찾길 바랄뿐. 내가 사랑하고 당신을지지하고 계속 그렇게 할 것입니다. 신의 은총이 함께 하시길.

많은 사랑과 함께
번역된 버전에서 이해가되지 않는 경우 Google을 사용하여 (미안해 모두)


2009.02.03 04:19:03

dear JiWoo
i am so glad that you have chosen 'Star's Lover' for your latest work. so loving the true depiction of the drama in many ways - on the many scandals targeted on a star's personal life by unscrupulous reporters for obvious reasons, on the star having to 'hide' her identity just to enjoy a normal day out in public, on longing for true love despite having received so much 'love' from fans & on the silent 'bullying' by her manager. you have acted lee mari so marvellously well that i see a resemblance of choi jiwoo in her or lee mari in choi ji woo - full of warmth & compassion, vulnerable yet strong, generous, humble, witty, elegant, & most of all possessing a graceful personality. needless to say, i am enjoying every scene of the drama that mari has with chulsu; faithfully & anxiously going online to wait every wednesday & thursday nights for the wonderful helpful fans to post pics & gist of each new episodes. your chemistry with yoo ji tae is thus far, unbeatable, bringing the star-crossed lovers' moments to bliss in the earlier scenes and excruciating heartaches especially in epi 15 + 16. jitae & you are just simply stunning & i sincerely applaud both of you !! *** clap clap clap *** i know you will continue to do your best; you have said before that you aim always to do better but do take care too !

to JiTae
i come to know you through 'Star's Lover' & am equally glad, if not more so, that you have agreed to act in your 1st drama with choi jiwoo. after the 1st episode, i was quite attracted to your character, chulsu - so down-to-earth, although considerably poor & struggling to make ends meet yet manly proud, subtly vulnerable but above all, knows who you want to love. your portrayal of chulsu is so natural & so compatible with mari's; i am also wondering, like jiwoo, if i see a resemblance of you in him or him in you. rightfully, i can only conclude that both jiwoo & you certainly bring out the best in each other's acting, thus making 'Star's Lover' a would-be phenomenal success if not in your home country, then i dare predict, certainly in foreign lands. you have added another fan in your list, me, & i will be looking out to your next work, whether it be acting or directing, hopefully the former & with jiwoo, may i hope so too. ;-) wish you all the best & do take care !

to the SL team ....PD, Scriptwriter, Cameraman & all crew
thank you for doing such a fine job and giving us the best of the best - showcasing jiwoo + jitae's amazing chemistry in 'Star's Lover' (you have allowed them to be so natural to each other that at times i cannot differentiate what is 'reel' & 'real' with them), added a list of beautiful soundtracks & scenic sites & filmed them all in a'dream-like' cepio photography mode with such great effects to give such a beautiful love story to all fans & winning more fans, in the process. keep it up! above all, all the fans & i so want mari & chulsu to live happily ever after....you have given them enough hurt. they deserve the happiness!! And so do we ! Star's Lover fighting !!

an ardent fan from singapore

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