[re] greetings from singapore!

조회 수 4263 2001.12.10 23:32:25
Bad Rabbit
Dear Jillian,
Hi, I'm one of the fans for the drama "Beautiful days".
It is quite amazing that you know very well about Jiwoo's very recent news!
I just wondered how you got those fresh news about Jiwoo.
(Do you really live in Singapore? ^^::)

Well,sorry for replying from me not from Jiwoo.
As a fan who thinks about Jiwoo in the same way like you,
I'm very happy to hear that "Beautiful days" was well-received in Singapore.

Now, Jiwoo has many fans from all over the asia. It's so cool.
and I think she deserves it.

>hello jiwoo
>dropping by to say hi from singapore.
>your recent drama beautiful days was quite well-received but not as well recived as autumn  fairytale with song sueng hun and song hye gyo. BUT you have quite a number of singapore fans and there is a yahoo group on that drama. recently there has been a poll about what fans find most attractive about you.  the conclusion?- why don't you check out the yahoogroup?:)
>good work on yanxiu! BUT i think you need to work on your facial expressions, and  subtle gestures. however, i enjoyed watching your performance.glad to hear that you are a fresher at hanyang uni, your interview with hanyang journal was posted on our website and are taking english and golf lessons too. keep preservering and i;m sure that in time, you will be acknowledged as more than a pretty face or 'disguised robot'.   the best actors, i think are 97%hard work and prob 3% talent. excluding geniuses of course.
>All the best for your next drama. and i hope singapore will show it sometime soon.I hope you'll act in  Chinese serials or movies one day, llike Ahn Jae Wook.
>Pls visit Singapore soon, maybe with Byung Hun?
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