아자아자 화이팅!!

조회 수 4744 2009.02.21 11:05:48
글쎄요...저는 왜 안타까운 마음이 더 클까요.
여러 인터뷰에서 지우님은 신중하고 또 신중을 기하면서 입을 여시는거 같은데...그리고 팬들이 걱정하는 마음까지 신경쓰시는 같은데........
스타의 연인의 여운이 가시기도 전에 접하게 돼서 섭섭한 마음이 크게 느껴지셨는지.....
상대방에 대한 배려가 부족한듯 느껴집니다...
과거 이곳도 많이 상처받고 힘들어 하던때가 있었는데 말이죠....
그분도 이곳을 알텐데 한마디한마디가 지우님 얼굴이라 생각합니다...
성숙한 팬이 되도록 노력하자구요....
그리고 지우님 어리지 않잖아요....충분히 생각하고 책임있는 행동하리라 믿어요....
스타지우 가족들이 무얼걱정하고...지금 지우님이 홀로서기를 하고있는 중요한 시기인걸 알고있습니다...
지우님이 우릴 배려하듯 우리도 지우님 입장에 서서 한번더 생각해보고 앞으로의 계획을 응원해주고 지겨봐주면 안되겠씁니까?

댓글 '46'


2009.02.21 11:31:07

지우씨는 결혼하기전에는 신중하게 여겨서 발표같은 것은 안할려고 했는데
본의와는 다르게 파파라치 사진 때문에 일이 커진 것 같아요...
하지만 지우씨도 내심 예쁜 사랑하기를 바랬는 터라
오히려 한 친구를 만나고 있어서 그나마 다행이였어요...
들마의 여운이 있어서 그게 다만 좀 아쉽지만....
유지태씨도 당당하게 여친이 있는 가운데 들마를 찍었는데
지우씨도 남친정도는 있었으면 하고 바랬거든요.
저는 이진욱씨를 들마에서 좋게 봐서인지 그렇게 싫지는 않아요...
재벌2세보다는 훨 좋은 것 같아요.
오히려 그런 지우씨가 예뻐보여요.....
정말 지우씨가 사랑에서나 일에서나 다 잘되었으면 좋겠어요....
지우씨의 개인의 행복을 많이 빌어주고 싶네요...
앞으로의 행보에도 좋은 일들이 있었으면 하구요....


2009.02.21 11:37:16

When I saw Air City and the fashon show, I didn't feel any chemistry between CJW and LJW. ( not like WS, BD,Truth) I felt an inbalance and thought there was something strange about this scandal.

2009.02.21 11:41:25

머리로는 이해해 볼려고 하는데 가슴으로 받아드려 지지 않네요.
지우님 행복을 바라는 것이기에 더 신중을 기해야 한다고 봅니다.

언제가 지우님을 진심으로 축복할 수 있으면 좋겠어요..
지우님...미안해요..그리고 아프네요..
행복을 바라면서도 .....


2009.02.21 11:43:13

과거 이곳도 많이 상처받고 힘들어 하던때가 있었는데 말이죠....222
미혜님 글에 공감합니다.
저는 남자배우 팬들이 가끔 무섭게 보일때가 울배우 상대는 이러이러 했으면
좋겠다는 말들을 마치 시어머니처럼 너무 아무렇지 않게 하는 모습이었어요.
그런데, 이곳에서도 그런 뉘앙스의 글들이 보여서 좀 속상하네요.
다들 지우님을 사랑하고 아끼는 마음에서 나오는 소리들이긴 하지만,
지우님과 그분도 여기 글들 보실텐데, 맘이 많이 무겁겠다 싶어요.
저는 스연 촬영동안 많이 힘들었을 지우님 곁에 위로가 될만한
누군가가 있다는 것이 그냥 좋네요.
우리들이야, 팬질 하다가 접으면 그만이지만,
지우님 인생에 중요한 일과 사랑, 모두 지우님 책임과 몫인데,
지우님과 그분, 생각이 깊고 진중하신 분들이니까
사랑도, 일도 잘 이루어 내시길 응원합니다.


2009.02.21 11:47:42

Yeah,, I think so too.. I don't mean that LJW is not a nice person because I don't know anything about him..but hope that he doesn't make everything complicated such as making interviews on TV and telling everybody about their love story... As CJW said, they are on the course of knowing each other with a good feeling towards each other... Everybody already knows that they are seeing each other,,, I think he is a hyper


2009.02.21 11:52:13

I totally agree with you FAN1. He's making the conditon more worse.
He needs to be quiet.

2009.02.21 12:06:02

오랜만에 지우씨소식듣고 들어와보네요..
열애설 설인거죠??
지우씨도 언제까지나 혼자있을것도 아니고 누군가 잘맞는분 만나야되겠지만
쫌의외였네요^^ 오전중에 잠시 겨울언가영상보고 그모습 넘싱그러워 아직도 가슴이 설레네요^^


2009.02.21 12:07:31

스타지우 가족분들은 지우님이 선택하신 그분을 믿지 못하는지요?
지우님의 선택과 의사를 존중해야 한다고 생각해요.
스타지우가 지우님을 보듬어 안아주고 지우님에게 좋은 상대가 나타났을때 누구보다도 축복해줘야 하는데 그렇지 못한 분위기여서 전 너무나 당황스럽네요.
지우님이 이런 상황 보신다면 얼마나 마음 아파하실까요?
그리고 이곳에 진욱씨의 팬들도 다녀갈겁니다.
그동안 누구보다도 지우님 드라마나 영화 상대자에게 배려를 하려고 노력했던 스타지우 가족들이 이번에는 상대방에 대한 배려심이 부족해 보입니다.
제가 너무 건방떠는 말씀인지는 모르나 사랑은 혼자 하는게 아니잖아요. 지우님의 마음을 편하게 해주세요.
지우님이 남자의 돈이나 명예 이런 걸 보고 상대방을 선택하는 사람이 아닌거 같아 전 더욱 지우님이 멋져 보입니다.


2009.02.21 12:14:57

다들 이렇게 말하는 것은 정말 지우씨를 가족처럼 아끼는 사람들이라서 그런 것이랍니다.. 왜 부모님들도 사귀는 사람에 대한 여러 조언도 해주시고 쓴소리도 하시고 .. 그렇잖아요.. 정말 지우님에 대한 애정이 있으니까.. 그러는 것입니다.. 그리고 지우님이 어떻다라고 말하는게 아니예요.. 지우님은 인터뷰도 현명명쾌하게 하셨습니다. 그리고 너무 앞서나가는 것 같다고도 하셨구 조심스럽다고하셨는데 진욱님은 전혀 조심하는 것 같다는 생각이 안들고 그냥 일을 더 크게 만들고만 있다는 생각을 지울수가 없네요


2009.02.21 12:30:45

Well, I did not think Jiwoo's Manager had done anything good to her for the whole case.
Is that because she is going to leave the Manager company???
So, Jiwoo has to deal with all the matters by herself from now on??
I think she may have her own staff team from March 1 onwards!!

Right now, there were negative influence on Jiwoo's image. And it seems that majority of her fans were aware that Lee Jin Uk is her boyfriend.
I think her staff team should further divert fans' attention in the promotion of coming activities for Star Lover in Japan or others. At that time, please trying to clarify that LJU is not her boyfriend....that CJW is an ideal woman/lover in the minds of many men, young or mature, and who will win her heart...like her character Lee Ma Ri in "Star Lover"...!!!


2009.02.21 12:44:53

드라마끝난지 얼마나 되었나요.. 채 여운이 가시기도 전이라 드라마와 관련된..또는
해외에 방영되는 것에 대한 기사..등을 기대하고 있던 차에..정말 조금도 예상치 못한 소식에 좀 당황스러웠고..무엇보다 열애설 자체가 아닌 소속사에 대한 불만의 목소리가 더 높았었어요.. 소속사에 대한 불평은 우리 팬들로서는 당연한 반응이었구요..
하지만..어제 지우님의 현명한 인터뷰를 보고 우리 팬들도 다소 흥분되었던 마음을
차분히 가라앉히고 있답니다. 너무 걱정마세요..^^


2009.02.21 13:04:29

울미혜님이 전하고자 하는 메세지가 제맘입니다.
단지...스타의연인...여운이 채 가시지 않은 지금의 이!!! 시점에
이런 기사가 나온것에 대한 기분이 분노로 변하고있는 중이랍니다.
열애설이란 글보다..
그 뒤에 숨어있는 부분을 더 크게 봐 주셨으면 좋겠어요.^^;;


2009.02.21 13:15:38

코스님...오늘 이진욱 연예가중계 인터뷰 아직 확정 안된건가요??
그거 나가구 나면 또 기사 터지구 시끄러울텐데...지금 지우언니 넘 힘들어할꺼같아요....그리구 지우언니가 저번에두 나중에 남친있으면 공개는 절대루 하지 않겠다구 했는데 파파라치들때문에 넘 짜증나구...암튼 지우언니한테 이미지나 위상에 조금이라두 손해가는일이 없음 해요..네버네버ㅠㅠㅠ


2009.02.21 13:19:53

Ah, I'm so disappointed. As Jiwoo's fan, I've been watching her for over 7 years. I've been wondering who her boyfriend would be? Sometimes, I would get excited just imagining it, but scandal made me so disappointed in JW. I never expected him(LJW) to be her boyfriend. I did not feel any chemistry between them in Air City or in the fashion show.(not like WS, BD, Truth}. It feels strange!


2009.02.21 13:43:46

Correct me if I am wrong. I read that during Jin Wook’s interview, he said they have been dating for 2 years. But Jiwoo said they just started knowing each other recently. So they didn’t even compare notes before the interview. Sorry if I offend anybody. This is sensitive issue nowadays. I dare not post in the camp where there are lots of Jiwoo-Jin Wook supporters, which I am not.

Jennifer O

2009.02.21 13:54:55

Come on, fans give Jiwoo some breathing space....she is old enough to get what she wants.. Life is short u know....

Am glad that my dearest Jiwoo is dating.... Whoever he is, as long as he loves Jiwoo wholeheartedly...., will definitely bless them :) Honestly, i think no negatively about Jin Wook. In fact, when i read about him, watched him and Jiwoo at AirCity, enjoyed their André Kim parade, I HAVE GOOD FEELINGS ABOUT HIM.... MY BLESSINGS :)



2009.02.21 13:59:07

Btw, does fan have to interfere with her lovelife ?!! That's absurd and incredible. Do wake up and be CONSIDERATE fans.
Leave it to her to pick her choice, okay. PLEASE DO UPSET OUR PRINCESS FURTHER !!


2009.02.21 14:02:34

Btw, does fan have to interfere with her lovelife ?!! That's absurd and incredible. Do wake up and be CONSIDERATE fans.
Leave it to her to pick her choice, okay. PLEASE "DONT" UPSET OUR PRINCESS FURTHER !!


2009.02.21 14:05:45

서희정님은 진정 본인이 인정한 건방떠는 그 자체입니다.....항상 님의 글을 읽고 있으면 이진욱 동생이나 누나 라는 생각 못 떨칩니다.........아님 이진욱 팬 클럽 맡고 있던지....솔직히 축복할 일 절대 아니거든요!!!!!!!!!!!여기 계시는 운영자님 들은 열애설 났을때도 친분 그자체로 얘기 하셨거든요.....그리고 지우씨가 님의 식구라도 그렇게 좋은 말만 하겠어요????가만히 계게요....지금 지우씨 팬들은 맘이 넘 아프니깐.......


2009.02.21 14:11:17

Yes, maybe she likes him as a friend or a brother—she’s got a nice personality, so it’s natural for her to be nice to all of her partners. They’ll sometimes go out to meet and eat with each other. But a lot of people in Korea think this is dating, even if a man and woman decide to meet. He probably thought the same way. Not Jiwoo though. Once again, he was only a younger brother to her. Secondly, they’ve only known each other for a little over a year. Air City was finished in July, 07—Jiwoo has been making the drama Star’s Lovers for five months (just finished)—she’s been extremely busy, she wouldn’t have had time to see him while filming. They’ve only just started dating.


2009.02.21 14:28:14

Please ladies, give CJW a BREAK!! She needs it and deserves it!!


2009.02.21 14:30:38

And no, most Jiwoo's fan doesn’t like this relationship. Most fans are very disappointed. We are thinking something strange,


2009.02.21 14:33:35

Ladies, this her personal lifes and it is indeed none of your business to be so busy body. Just mind your own business and move on with your lifes. All of you please get lost!!

2009.02.21 14:35:49

오랫동안 지켜본 팬입니다. 실망스럽씁니다. 꼭 이시점에 스캔들이 터져야 했나요 여러가지로 지우씨에게 중요한 시기라 공감했는데 이건 아닌것 같아요.

Fan H

2009.02.21 14:38:31

I have a question to LJW.
Why should you speak own love on tonight TV show?
I want to esteem CJW's choice. But I want also CJW's wrong choice ends more early.
Because she will be damaged many times the way by him.

2009.02.21 14:40:12

지금은 열애설이 아니고 스타의 연인에 관련된 기사가 있어야 합니다.

2009.02.21 14:43:18

올리브나인 너무 싫어요!!!!!!!!!!!!!
그 로드매니저 분은 대치 뭘 하시는지??????????


2009.02.21 14:52:41

Wow! This is the first time that I asked people to get lost and so many of you come back with a short people of time!! Hahaha....^__________^

She has the rights to make whatever choice in life, if it is a bad choice, she pays for it and it will be a lesson learned. I understand that Korea is a collective society, with high uncertainty avoidance and musculinity society (according to Geert Hofstede's cultural dimensions), nevertheless, she will be one of the first test case in the so called Korean Waves.

She may look cheerful on the above studio recording, but do you all aware the micro-expression (please refer to Paul Ekman) between her eye brows and eyes, the facial muscles contain many hidden messages. Bolt does not plan to elaborate here.

It is only one life, live it well and live it to the fullest!! Please give CJW a break!!


2009.02.21 14:52:50

I cannot help want to say something. Personaly I do think it's not good for LJW to be interviewed on a TV show at this time. I wonder if he got the permission from Ji-Woo to talk about it. Please respect Ji-Woo's privacy. Keep it to the two only. Please give Ji-Woo a break.


2009.02.21 15:06:20

Long time no see JCL, long time time no see auntie JO (on this site). Hope all well. ^_________^ Have a good day. Am going for run in the snow to breath a bit of fresh air and clear my head after reading all these stupid messages!!

Life is bigger and there are more important thing in this world to take care of, apart from keep discussing about CJW, Star's Lover, Lee Ma Ri etc. Bolt will be turning off from this site for now!! Enough is enough!! If none of you get lost, Bolt will!!


2009.02.21 15:09:45

STOP everybody,Attention please!
we should keep our eyes and hearts on her business not her emotion ok???!!!
it is just her personal life!!!
TOP star is also a human.
How important this time.Let's move on.

Jennifer O

2009.02.21 15:14:13

Hello Casper! Long time to address you!
Me too exiting out of this site soon; cannot stand some unreasonable fans.
It's about CJW's private life and some jokers got to bother and interfere. What's Jiwoo's life got to do with them? Anyway, i wish my dearest one GOOD LUCK! GO FOR TRUE LOVE.

Thumbing up your " It is only one life, live it well and live it to the fullest!! Please give CJW a break!! "

Good day everyone and bon weekend!


2009.02.21 16:16:08

" 솔직히, 참, 어.... 뭐.....
어처구니가 없어염.....

왜 이런 기사가
이시점에 나왔는지, 짜증 파악~확 나염....

하나 하나
알아가려 했는데,
뻔~~~할 것 같은 느낌이 들어염....

답답해염~~ "


2009.02.21 19:27:12

Please, are we wrong in discussion about the news? This is part of a star’s life, the publicity. I think LJW is even thriving on it now. Otherwise why should he appear in tonight’s show? Shouldn’t he be keeping a low profile and trying to protect Jiwoo? After all Jiwoo has already admitted to the dating. He seems eager to go for more publicity.Hope he won’t say something which will cause more hurt to Jiwoo.


2009.02.21 20:28:12

Come on you guys. Those who are not in favor of the CJW/LJW have other actors that they want to be with CJW. They are so very disappointed now that there "dream" had been broken. Like HYC, she wants CJW to be with LBH. Am i right HYC?


2009.02.21 20:37:22

It should be "their dream". Maybe CJW wants a simple life with the person she loves. Maybe she'd been in one relationship with one of the so called "hallyu actors" and had a bad experience. Give her a break. If you are really a "true" fan try to understand and support her. That's what she needs right now. Don't make her feel more "depressed".

Please be strong CJW.

By the way Bolt/Casper, i guess your prediction of CJW getting married in her late thirties is coming true. Was it 37 or 39?


2009.02.21 23:13:21

So far, everyone is talking about their own assumption. No one asked how their secret rendezvous came into public. Just leave aside on how much they are in love, it's their private life, bla bla.
It is a set up? It looks like a set up. By who? CJW was caught up with the photo finish and now even if she wants to rethink, she couldn't do it anymore.The guy is so possessive that he put up interview on TV and let the world know that she is already his property. If there is an interview why can't they both come out like any other K couples on TV or even a presscon? Why are their answers contradict against each other?She is a celebrity and sure she will have to deal with male actors forever. Will this guy have a giant heart to accommodate every hunk?

It is dangerous for rich and famous older women to get entangle with younger guys in secret. They are physically energetic, possessive and aggressive. If the other party does not comply with their obsession and demand, it can be fatal. I'm scared and worried for CJW. I'm thinking of 'Fatal Attraction'.

guest 3

2009.02.21 23:37:09

I sincerely agree with you, guest_2 ! 윗분 말씀처럼 진욱님이 인터뷰를 시작했고 또 그리고 인터뷰를 한다는 말이 지우님에 대한 소유욕이 있는 것처럼 비추어지기도합니다.윗분 말씀처럼 차라리 두분이 나와서 인터뷰를 하면 더 나을 듯 하고요.. 윗분 말씀처럼 사실 진욱님 인터뷰와 지우님 인터뷰가 서로 말이 맞지 않는 부분도 있다는것도 사실이고 anyway.. hope that all these things stop ~~~


2009.02.21 23:57:12

Dear guest

You are observant as to my preference. You are right and I don’t deny it. I love the chemistry of LBH-CJW in Beautiful Days, or should I say I love Minchul-Yensoo more. Hope this is not offending others because this topic here is about CJW-LJW. We are off course.


2009.02.22 10:03:59

Unconditionally support any Jiwoo's life decision. Don't understand why dating with a young man will damage her career. She is a grown-up and normally should find her lover already regardless she is a star or not. Also honesty is the best policy. God bless you. Dear Jiwoo.


2009.02.22 15:12:30

I'll support your decision Ji Woo. It's your life & you can choose who you love & date. True love is something that cannot be prevented, it hit you & you do not know what hit you. Love is unconditional, so go for who you love, don't listen to negative comments. Follow your heart. God bless you always.


2009.02.22 15:15:14

I'm so happy for you Ji Woo. Follow your heart & forget about the people who doesn't support you. You have my unconditional support for any decision you make.


2009.02.22 15:43:32

guest: you are a real busy body!! Just keep your mouth SHUT!!


2009.02.22 16:32:41

Who is the real busybody here?? Shut up? Who...so many "guest" around.....hahaha


2009.02.24 01:03:46

Pls give CJW a break!!! She has her own life...We should support her not hurt her!


2009.02.24 03:36:50

Please leave them alone. How would you feel if your dating relationship is scrutinized and magnified to this extent? Please be more understanding. JiWoo and JinWook have every right to disclose or not disclose, be interviewed or not however they want. Just support them for now..ok. I know that we all love Ji Woo very much and want the best for her. The best thing we can do now is to just be quiet. "Silence is Golden." "There is time to talk and there is time to be quiet".
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